3 ways to waste time in London

September 30th 2015
Published: September 30th 2015
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Hello, today i will talk about 3 ways to waste time in London, England.

But before i'm going to tell you my opinion about first expression of London. The first expression of England's airport was AMAZING!!! It was VERY BIG!!! There are many massive planes like Airbus a380:

This giant can carry about 900 people atone time. We "travel" throght airport for half an hour, I was with group of students from my school about 25 people. Then we went on "red bus" to our summer school named "BELL":

And after this travel for 2 hours, my adventure was started.

So, now we can talk about 5 way to waste time in London!

1 place:

British museum

The best way to waste your lovely time to look at same thing in every section of the museum.There are about 12 section of different time's. Also, there are many same sculptures and pictures. However, the most interesting part was when we went to coins section. There was various types of coins from diverse time's. We found there a banknote with the sum of 20 billions. It was exciting tavel we had a lot of funny pictures near sculptures and we lost about 5 hours to look at only 4 sections of these enormous museum.

2 place:

British museum of science

This museum consists of 6 floors and 4 of them are under ground. This museum contains sceletons of different animals and dinosaurs. Also, the most interesting part of the museum is aerospace section, where you can find how reactive engeens are working, what was the first space shuttle in natural volume under the ceiling, how was the first person who went to space etc. I spend there about 6 hours to look after all floors and sections.

3 place:

Cambridge university

No one in my school can not imagine that Cambridge is not only the University- it is massive "village" containing main University building, University campus, "village" with many outdoor shops, marketplace and big shopping centre. We went there at 11 a.m. and our supervisor gave us 2 hours to walk around this "village". I went directly to outdoor marketplace and after to shopping centre. I spend my time only to looking to the things i did not bought anything because they had big prises for all things, even to the icecream((

So, if you would like to eat somewhere in London, you can do it only in Mc Donalds or in STARBUCKS because all another food is too bad.


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