
September 2nd 2006
Published: September 4th 2006
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My roomMy roomMy room

My room at the school residence in Colmenarejo.
Despues de un vuelo muy largo, finalmente llegabamos en Madrid. Por los primeros dias vamos a quedar en la residencia en Colmenarejo en las montanas. Los cuartos son buenos, pero la comida es horible. Anoche, mi companera de cuarto y yo nos despertamos a las 3 de la manana...esperamos que sentir el jetlag por pocos dias. Tambien, hay una alberca cerca de la residencia. Hoy es nuestra primer dia de clases intensivos de lengua, y despues de una manana libre manana vamos a un excursion a El Escorial por la tarde. Hasta pronto!

After a very long 14 hour flight, we finally arrived in Madrid. For the first 10 days we are staying in the school residence at Colmenarejo in the mountains. We got settled in yesterday and the rooms are nice, but the food, unfortunately, is horrible. Last night my roommate and I woke up wide awake at 3am...we´re hoping this is the worst of the jetlag. On the upside, there is a pool down the road. Today is our first day of intensive language classes, after and a free morning tomorrow we are going on a field trip to el Monesterio Real de El Escorial for the afternoon.

The view from my room
Hasta Pronto!

P.S. Happy (one day early) anniversary Mom and Dad!

Additional photos below
Photos: 4, Displayed: 4


The ResidenceThe Residence
The Residence

My home for the next 10 days.
More of the residenceMore of the residence
More of the residence

It's a very odd shaped building, but it's huge.

7th September 2006

Hi Kiddo
Dear Kelly I have found your blog site and I will now read all the back blogs that I missed. I am so excited to be able to get a first hand account of all your adventures and schooling. Keep the blog coming. Love Annie

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