
September 5th 2010
Published: September 5th 2010
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Hi kids,
it's Sunday and we are going on a tour in INNSBRUCK.
Yesterday we had a wonderful slow train ride through
the Alps.We went all out for dinner having traditional
Austrian food.Boy do the eat huge portions couldn't
finish but i tell you the goulash soup was out of this
world.We watched a seeing eye dog find a table at Starbucks.
Bought cheese meat and bread for lunch on the train.
We are finding it tougher to walk this time around,
so we are going to do bus tours, and cabs.
In Koln we saw this huge church and i mean tall that was being cleaned
like you remember in Scotland all the soot from coal.
When we were there a famous European rock band was setting up in front
what a location.There was a call for a service so we went in
the stained glass was it was very interesting your mother loved
the inside .

ight show


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