Trains, trains and more trains

August 11th 2010
Published: August 12th 2010
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Happy Meal!Happy Meal!Happy Meal!

Mariel had to get a happy meal just beacuse there was a McDonald's right across from our hotel in Paris!
The night before we did not go to bed until 5:00am, and we woke up at 10:00. I woke up with a terrible cold and can't taste a thing. Good thing we had a long day of travel ahead...

It was purely a day of going from train to train, traveling from Paris to Belgium. The trip is only "suppose" to take 2 hours by direct train. Are our lives that easy though? Definitely not. It took us a total of 8.5 hours to travel from Paris to Belgium. We had a train's version of a lay-over, in Lille, France which is a small town very close to the boarder of France and Belgium. It would've been a cute town to explore had we not been carrying all our belongings.

Two hours were lost sitting in the train station of Lille. It was rare to find someone there who spoke English well, so for about half the time we didn't have any idea if we were even in the correct place.

We explored Lille a little bit, but with 30 pounds of clothing on my back it's not quite my definition of enjoyable. The town was a maze

The turtle backpack!
of little cobble-stone roads and cute (but expensive) shops and botiques. There is a beautiful cathedral in the town's center, which seems to be a common theme everywhere we go. Once our backs felt as if they were breaking, we headed back to the train station to kill some time.

3 hours, 6 stops, 2 trains later we finally arrived in Antwerp. My aunt Carolyn and cousin Benjamin were eagerly waiting to pick us up (by this time it was already 9:00pm. We had left Paris at 1:30!)

Carolyn prepared a delicious meal of steak, potatoes with a Belgian pepper sauce and salad. For dessert we had a cherry pie, which was more like a cake with cherries on top, as well as an almond cake. I couldn't taste either, but Lauren said she really liked the almond cake, so I'm guessing it was really good!

Lauren, Mariel and I all crashed when our heads hits our pillow.

Additional photos below
Photos: 10, Displayed: 10


MonPere wine!MonPere wine!
MonPere wine!

Our family has a wine :)
Photo 11Photo 11
Photo 11

Belgian breakfast!!!

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