
August 31st 2009
Published: September 6th 2009
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All the way up there..??!!
I apologize to everyone first off...this entry will not be long. We arrived safe and sound and will be spending the night in Athens in a lovely hotel called Hotel Amalia. Very close to the Plaka and the Akropolis - 2 must sees in Athens.

We arrived at 6:30 am Athens time and have already been to the Akropolis. So...I'm fading fast! It is super hot here and if I don't sweat off pounds it'll be amazing. Yippee!!! And to top it off, you have to walk to the top of the mountain to view these magnificent ruins. Yes...can you say "Kung Fu Panda"!? It is WELL worth the effort and I can't imagine coming to Greece and not seeing the Akropolis.
We were also able to view the Akropolis from the top of our hotel after sunset and it was breathtaking with the lights.

Pictures to follow.

Lana & Rhonda

Additional photos below
Photos: 3, Displayed: 3


6th September 2009

Greece and Turkey!?!
Why don't you tell me when you're doing a trip like this? You need me along to be your tour guide and body guard.
6th September 2009

Awesome Lana, sounds like you are on top of the world . Keep those Greeks away from your >>> lol looking forward to your next entry. Have fun and play safe Cheers
8th September 2009

Oopa right back
Fantastic...lotsa red wine please.
8th September 2009

The Plaka!!
Hey travelling chick! You will find from a price stand point on your travels the Plaka really seems to be the best place to get your trinkets. The walk up to the Acropolis would be so much easier if not for the HEAT! Good for you for getting up there and taking in the views. Such a huge city, eh? Good to see the blog...have fun and be safe!
8th September 2009

In the Maritimes
Beautiful here too....but I am sure cannot come close to what you are seeing!!! Travel Safe! Love you...
10th September 2009

Opa! you too!
Sounds so romantic! Glad to see you are having a good time..! Look forward to seeing pictures and hearing all about it!
10th September 2009

Ya...we were jet lagged and it was HOT! But the only time we'd be able to see it. Thanks for the shopping tips. I hope to finish off the shopping at the Plaka. In Santorini now...wow!!
10th September 2009

no kidding! Sorry, I should have let you know. I didn't know I was going until the first of April. We are now in Santorini and have decided enough of the tours...we are going to do things on our own here. Will be flying back to Athens on Sunday and then home on Monday.
10th September 2009

Savour every moment!!!!!
10th September 2009

too hot for Lana!
not possible. missing your face and your laugh and the rest of you - still living out of boxes. cannot wait to hear about your adventures. see you soon, Carla
11th September 2009

I miss you guys too!!! Have you found a home for Trevor yet?
11th September 2009

LOL! It's the Turkish men one has to be careful of. And so far no one has touched my...!!
11th September 2009

time flies
Hey chickita! I will be in Edmoton for Sandra's wedding when you get back. Looking forward to hearing about the adventures. I am sure the Turkish men are in love with your bright eyes...they like that kinda stuff (coming from the blondish blue eyed traveller...lol). I got the holidays off we discussed for the island and Kendyl gave the green light, so some relaxing downtime is in the future! Hope you are having a blast. SBB

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