Route From Espalion to Estaing

September 13th 2018
Published: September 13th 2018
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It was overcast today so I did pretty well in spite of a pretty gnarly up and over shortly after leaving Espalion. The ruts were deep, the rocks difficult to negotiate and some of the steps (only held in place by tree roots) were so high that Scott had to help boost me. We made record time after that and discovered some of the most interesting buildings that looked plucked from fairy tales. It turned out to be a delightful day.

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Photos: 9, Displayed: 9


26th September 2018

Any chance you met someone who wants some time in a house on pilings for part of the year?!?!

Tot: 3.105s; Tpl: 0.01s; cc: 5; qc: 46; dbt: 0.2295s; 3; m:domysql w:travelblog (; sld: 1; ; mem: 1.1mb