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July 30th 2014
Published: July 30th 2014
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being 18 means more experiencebeing 18 means more experiencebeing 18 means more experience

I hate drinking, but I like socialising with the right people. I suppose like most people who don't just do it to avoid people going 'ahh go ooooon!'
Last night I decided I haven't got enough experience indeed for a good job in London and as I'm going to be on holiday for the next month and a half, dad and I decided it would be a good idea to go back to Wales for the next six weeks; I decided to take my mum's offer at the family Hotel/restaurant/pub after stubbornly saying no.

I'm hoping to do full time, possibly for minimum wage of just over £5 if I'm lucky but as I'm over 18 now I'll be able to do some bar work or reception if they'll allow me too. I'd worked there last summer mainly on my own, but new staff have arrived so hopefully the opportunity will be more thrilling this time around. My boyfriend is off to Kyushu tomorrow morning and I'm going to wake him up at 10PM in our time to wish him luck. We'll miss each other much as I'll be working long hours but I'll always sneak some time in to chat whether before or after my shifts.

I hope he has a safe journey too.

Although I've been really disappointed in the past with previous employers
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After the next six weeks of about £5 an hour, I figured it would result to £900!! Already that's motivational. My boyfriend and I had been discussing hotels and where to stay, if I can earn that from just a few weeks I'd love to stay in a really nice Ryokan and hopefully I'll find something before March.
and lost a whole year of earning money, my counsellor actually told me her daughter worked in a fish and chip shop, she chose that over a retail shop as there was much more to do and was much more fast paced and reminded me that many students including university students started off in McDonalds before trying high end stores; maybe this is where I'd been going wrong all this time.

So before I leave tomorrow morning, I'm going to apply for these places if they're up for grabs before long and get in there early, my town is full of good takeaway chains and also I'm hoping Coven Garden has put my money through by the end of this week too, when I'll look at my balance I'll withdraw it and put it in my special money pouch my boyfriends mother gave me.

On the bright side of my new job role not only will I be a waitress I'll be cleaning rooms and further experience to follow, but before I go, I've decided to try again at more local pizza and kabab shops for when students do leave, I can take their place when I return from Wales in September. All my money earned will go into my Japan fund, if I didn't have my boyfriend I probably wouldn't have had the motivation to go back there to work.


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