On the plane and Kosher food....

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June 18th 2009
Published: June 25th 2009
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I feel as if this is important to add since encounters like these always seem to make the beginning of the trip better. Really wanted to use up all my english money before arriving in Israel. Hence decided to buy several consumables at the airport stands. Yet I was faced with a dilemma, apple or banana? Not having the money for both but attempting a try at being healthy I went for at least some type of fruit.
Turned to a busniessman behind me in line "which should I get? Apple or banana?" His heavily accented reply declared the banana to be more hygienic because of the peel. Upon my deciding to purchase the banana he stopped me and asked why i did not get both. "lack of money" i explained. My response was greeted with an outstrecthed hand holding the coins I needed. Wow sometimes people really surprise me.

Yes, finally on my plane to Israel. The flight attendant greeted me with "manishma" (howare you) and I think my response of "toda" (thankyou) when he showed mne my seat may have led him to believe I knew what I was talking about. This being since he attempted, not successfully to use hebrew phrases with me and when the food came insisted on bringing me kosher food. Interesting peoples perceptions.

So here goes nothing....Look like I could be israeli, but really have no idea what is going on. Honestly I can only read about one word in 20. I was very pleased with myself for picking out "תלבי' on my chocolate bar.


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