Goodbye Bristol!

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March 31st 2008
Published: March 31st 2008
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Well this is it. This time tomorrow (almost) we will be on a plane on our way to L.A baby!!!! I can't really describe how i feel- nervous....excited....a little sick. (i am currently rubbing lavender oil into my temples because apprantly it is meant to soothe you- hmmmm i'm not so sure)

The last week has been really bizarre- can't believe that after all the talking and planning (mostly done by Steve) it is finally here-phew! It's been really good to spend time at home and get everything sorted- i've always liked to leave everything to the last minute!

I am about in embark in what seems like the impossible task of fitting my whole life in a tiny bag- thank god i have got my mum with me helping me being relaistic in what i do and don't need. It's quite daunting to decided what is going to best to take but i am getting there......just!

Our leaving do was wicked and i can't thank people enough for celebrating our last weekend in Bristol with us. As always in true bizzole style it was a messy occasion and i definately felt the pain the next day! Photos below pay hommage to the 'all dayer' crew that made our last weekend in Bristol so special. We are going to miss everyone soooo much but i determined to keep up this blog so you guys can share our journey and keep contact!!!

Can't really believe that i am writting this- 1 because it is a miracle i have got round to it, i am usually so rubbish at this kind of thing (note leaving it to the last minute) and 2 because it means that we are ACTUALLy leaving- AH feels wierd to write that!

Things i'm looking forward to the most is just exploring new cultures, eating new food, VEAGAS baby and also not working- yipee. Still hasn't sunk in yet but it feels sooooo good. I am so glad and lucky that i have someone like Steve to go with and share this experience with i just prey that he can put up with me for the 4 months of travelling before we settle i New Zealand- only time will tell.......

Anyway i really do hope that this is the first of many posts to our blog with travel tales to tell (fingers crossed this is not going to be a one entry wonder!)

I would love it so much if you guys can follow us on our journey and keep us updated with all the gossip- please please write messages so we wont feel homesick and we will keep you updated on our adventures!

Love you all very very much xxx

Additional photos below
Photos: 13, Displayed: 13


31st March 2008

Added to favourites!
Have added to my favourites and will be sure to keep checking on your progress. Have a fantastic time you two - we will all miss you! Will be thinking of you tomorrow at flight time (Kate - remember to take food on the plane ;-) ) Looking forward to the next instalment xx
31st March 2008

Looking forward to seeing you when you come down under. Everyone else, you'll never see them again, it's Australia all the way! I've even knocked my missus up, just like JRG!
1st April 2008

Well. You asked for us to keep you updated, so here goes. woke up this morning, absolutely shattered (as usual). struggled out of bed. showered. stumbled into some clothes and left the house. got into the car, and sat in traffic for pretty much the whole way into work. now i'm at work, the boredom has begun. after a quick scan of the usual websites, the only thing to keep me going will be a bit of email banter and the thought of getting home. so really, other than the odd all dayer at the hogga, you aint really missing much. anyway. all the best. and don't worry. you'll have a brilliant time, and of course we'll all keep in touch.
2nd April 2008

Bon Voyage
Have the most amazing time both of you. Si and I will be keeping up with your fun and frolics and will look forward to welcoming you home along as will our little bunddle of poo (joy)! Love to you both and I am really proud you are finally living the dream. You deserve it. xxxxxxxx
4th April 2008

Big love to you guys!!!
Hi Guys, I'm so excited you got time to do this blog. How else will I know where my big bro and lovely Kate are in the WORLD! Hardly see you guys but will miss the fact that I actually can't now. Loads of love - enjoy, enjoy, enjoy - and we'll just stay here and be very jealous. xxx
5th April 2008

Anje is coming out
Anje tried to get into bed with Archie last night.............. i'm not saying anything else!
8th April 2008

Well We all knew it!
I knew there was more to their tickle fights than they let on!
8th April 2008

Hey guys thank you so much for your messages. I hope you are enjoying the blogg so please keep checking it and adding your comments (although a little too much info from you Anje :-)) Love you all lots and lots xxxx
14th April 2008

YO!!!!!!]# HEEEEBMAGREEEEEBO!!!!! EEEETAK!!! what more needs to be said?
16th April 2008

I'm sooooooo jealous! Looks like you're having a whale of a time! Loving the blog, its kept me entertained at work for ages! Love you moosh x x
17th April 2008

They have been gone a month?
What kind of blog is this? They have been gone how long and not updates?

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