Snow business

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January 13th 2010
Published: January 13th 2010
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Act cool MummyAct cool MummyAct cool Mummy

Already, she's so embarassing!!
Well, it was a white Christmas and then some! All over the country there's been snow, we've had three weeks of it here, the worst for over 20 years. But last weekend in particular it was literally Baltic!!

The daytime temperature where we live dropped to -8degC, but it was bright sunshine and stunningly beautiful. Saturday we walked along the beach, where the sanddunes were deep in snow. On Sunday we abandoned a trip to Aviemore after just five miles when the car was showing -11degC, and the snow was lying over three feet thick by the side of the road.

Instead we took J sledging at a nearby castle. Wrapped up in not just one, but two snowsuits, he lay like a little fat starfish on the sledge, as we dragged him into the castle grounds. He seemed fairly unimpressed to start with, but soon warmed to the downhill runs, giggling when Daddy hit an edge and they rolled off the sledge into the snow (going VERY slowly, don't worry)!

We have some video, but it's on the old steam powered video camera, so might take a while to get it uploaded. For now, here's a few
Wheeee! Wheeee! Wheeee!

Sledging with Daddy

Next blog will be all about weaning, which we're having great fun with, so stay tuned!!


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Wrestling Daddy to the ground

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