The other side!

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December 1st 2009
Published: December 1st 2009
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Having been introduced to Daddy's side of the family, last weekend it was time for J to meet some more of Mummy's family.

He did lots of reading with Great Nanny & Great Aunty Lou, lots of cuddling with his little cousin (admittedly she was more enthusiastic than him)! He went for a ride on Dylan the Dog (until Dylan got away from him), learnt all about beards and was generally spoilt rotten by everyone!

Then on the flight on the way home he sang his 'ow-ow' song at the top of his voice for the whole plane to enjoy (we think it's endearing, but perhaps not everyone else feels the same!), flirted with the girl sat next to us and then crashed out asleep on the tray table. It would have taken his Dad at least six pints of Stella to do all that!

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Some of Mummy's clanSome of Mummy's clan
Some of Mummy's clan

Grandad & Nanny, Uncle S, Aunty R (+bump), cousin B and us.
Knock, knock!Knock, knock!
Knock, knock!

J meets his future cousin!
Is it real?Is it real?
Is it real?

The way he tugged and tugged at Great Uncle D's beard, Santa's going to be in trouble!

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