A flying visit

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October 5th 2009
Published: October 8th 2009
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A trip down to Nanny & Grandad's showed that J has his Daddy's head for heights as he took both flights completely in his stride (although whether this will be the case when it's just J & Mummy is yet to be seen!) Hanging out in the departure lounge in Mummy's sling he was very chilled, even after a long queue to check in.

I fed him on the way up, then he slept, woke up for a good chat and some happy smiling and then more feeding on the way down, apparently this helps equalize the pressure and stops him getting sore ears, whatever - J couldn't believe his luck!

We managed to catch up with all the family, and met J's closest cousin, well, second cousin strictly, little M, born a month before him.

He's at such a cute stage now, always chatting and smiling, and is almost, but not quite, giggling! He's reaching out and grabbing all sorts of things, such as the toys on his play arch, my shirt when he wants feeding and most recently and most painfully - my eye!

A flailing fist caught me in the eye on Tuesday night, which by Wednesday morning had become agonisingly painful, I couldn't even open the eye and was crying in pain! It felt like a shard of glass was wedged under the eyelid. The opthalmologist in A&E said that the cornea was scratched, so a little nail must have caught the eyeball. He gave me a patch to wear for a few hours, so I explained to my friend's children that I'd come to lunch dressed as a pirate! It's healing fairly quickly, and after 48hours it's already a lot less painful... and J's nails are a lot shorter!!

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Give me that toy!Give me that toy!
Give me that toy!

Not playing very nicely! M, at a month older, was able to grab and hold toys that J could only swipe at, which he found very frustrating!

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