One more little cousin

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August 9th 2009
Published: August 10th 2009
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This weekend it was the turn of his cousin on Mummy's side to pay him a visit. S&R arrived with little B on Friday, after a nightmare trip involving a 60mile motorway trip that took over 3.5hours, a subsequent missed flight, and a £120 taxi fare the other end! But it was lovely to see them, and B, who had only just started walking last time I saw her! She's so cute, totally gorgeous, and will chat away, pointing out doors and dogs, and all sorts of things!

We had a lovely day at the beach on Saturday. (Warning to Nanny and Grandad, do not look too closely at the beach pics, you'll have kittens!)

Today I&M popped in to meet the wee man. We went to the pub for dinner, a first for J. He did pretty well, although Mummy ended up feeding him while tucking him into her scampi and chips!

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Flying baby - and yes, he did catch her!

17th August 2009

J at pub!
Daddys idea to take J to pub with Mummy , M and I.....Auntie M would never do that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ha ha xxxxxxxxxx

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