Scotland Part II

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January 22nd 2008
Published: February 4th 2008
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Travel Period: 3 - 7 Jan 2008

Ben Nevis

The highest mountain in Britain - 1350m. It doesn't sound high? I had the same thought but didn't realised it's so "untameable" until the day I went up to this mountain.

On 4 Jan, 8 o'clock in the morning, me and Jotas getting ready to conquer Ben Nevis. Today weather is quite extreme, recorded temperature is -3 degree at 900m level, wind speed can go up to 60mph where at its highest speed you could feel as cool as -15 degree. There are still some people going up to Ben Nevis, though we were a bit hesitated in the beginning. But at the end we decided to give it a try.

However when we went up to about 1200m, the wind was too strong and there was no clear footpath to follow - we were totally lost where we should go up or down! We decided to go down but all footprints left by us few minutes ago were being cleared by the strong wind and all possible marks on the ground had been covered with snow. We were very worried but lucky for us - soon we found the way down.

When we got back to the hostel it was already 3pm - 6 hours walk with failure. I have made up my mind that I will come back again. Not to conquer it in such an innocent way (no map no compass) but will try to understand this mountain.

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4th February 2008

it looks so dangerous
the pics that u took showed that it was very dangerous to go up to the mountain with just 2 person with no guide and preparation at all. kong way, dun play play is precious...ha...there are still many wonderful things to see...
4th February 2008

how did u take the shit ? I hate snow.
5th February 2008

how do i know that was dangerous ler? i thought everything in Britain is clearly labelled, with direction and boards or anything like that.... i had to admit tat's really dangerous
5th February 2008

oh my god u hate snow?! i was thinking to bring u to skiing, snowboarding and ice skating when u come here ... i will "convert" u!
6th February 2008

Adventurous Journey
Hmm...this is kind of adventurous journey which I always aiming for. Something to share with you, I had recently watched a series of documentary from Discovery Channel, i.e. [Man Vs. Wild]. You can actually learn some of the survivor skills before your next attempt. ;p

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