Onto the Highlands

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September 8th 2018
Published: September 10th 2018
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Left Edinburgh on Friday, just a slight drizzle and in the 50’s. Traveled north of Glasgow, to Oban, bt way of Loch Lomand and Trussachs National Park. Loch Lomand is Scotland’s largest lake Very nice day to travel, at that point. Once we passed Glasgow,the roads were very narrow and some were single track roads. Again, another quaint town, Oban (‘small bay’)is a busy port town and popular destination for visitors. Delightful weather (hi 50’sF-mid 60’s F),fun British Isle food and some musicians playing outside. Oban is also know for it’s global brew of ‘Oban Whisky’(circa 1790) as we enjoyed a tour, just before dinner. Since we’re not whisky drinkers, the ‘New Bay’ version had a nice hint of honey. Of course,the guide wanted to convert us all to favor the malt whisky.

Saturday was intended for some hiking in Port Appin, but, there were other plans in stored for us. We sat off the side of a country road With.A.Flat.Tire. After 4hrs and figuring out where we were, a rescue recovery truck picked us up and took the car to the backcountry for a tire replacement. Ok, 8 hrs total, we finally made it back to Oban for dinner.
Ivar The Scotsman Hotel doormanIvar The Scotsman Hotel doormanIvar The Scotsman Hotel doorman

He was like our Uncle watching over us.
There was a silver lining: no rain, we were safe, small remote town in walking distance and cell phones!! Even the rescue truck was lost! Enjoy the pictures.

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Photos: 15, Displayed: 15


11th September 2018

Trip pictures are fabulous!!!!
Everything sounds wonderful! And great photography Nanci!! I am living vicariously though the 2 of you. Wish I could be as fortunate to be traveling to such far away & interesting places. I look forward to keeping up with your travel blogs. Keep them coming.

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