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June 30th 2007
Published: September 16th 2007
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Travel Period: 24 June 2007

A day out to Cambridge. But the weather wasn't very nice. My mission was to find the apple tree where Isaac Newton was sitting before but I failed. Could it be just a legend? I have asked around but nobody knew where it is, people just thought I was crazy.

We went for punting - a must-do in Cambridge. We hired a guide but I also had a go myself, quite easy to do that (see pic). We also entered the King's College Chapel but there was no performance on that day, what a shame!

It's quite easy to walk around and visit all the famous places in Cambridge. The university was first built in early 13th century. The name of Cambridge is famous among Chinese due to a poem (title of which literallly means "Goodbye Cambridge") written in 1928 by a famous Chinese poet Hsü Chih-mo - who has the same birthday as mine! He wrote this poem on his way back home on a ship after his last visit to Cambridge.

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