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September 23rd 2007
Published: October 5th 2009
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It's the most leisure day of my whole trip.

I wanted to visit the largest museum in National Railway Museum, but it only opened after noon and I had to give it up and went to Yorkshire Museum instead. Yorkshire Museum showed the history of human being but its content wasn't as rich as York Castle. Personally I think it's not a must. I love the grass in front of the museum though, should be one of the best places to lay down on during summers afternoon I think.

Then I went back to hostel and got back my luggage. I walked for about 15 to 20 minutes and came to the station. York is only one of the terminals on the way to Manchester, so it was already lucky when I was able to find a seat, or I'll have to STAND still for TWO hours with my luggage. The train once returned on the way to Manchester, making me worried if I got on a wrong train until it drove into Victoria Station.

I got off at Piccadilly Station. The station looks so modern and includes so many facilities, including restaurants, kiosks, tourist information centre, even a pub!! Right it's Manchester! I spent several minutes on finding the right exit to my hostel, and another 20 minutes on finding the way to the hostel. I arrived there at 2:30pm at last.

There was only 30 minutes left before Manutd vs Chelsea kicked off, so I cancelled my thought on watching the game in Gay Village at Canal Street. I tried to pick a bar randomly and got a seat in a bar at the station, where a Japan tourist was sat next to me lol. Unlike Hong Kong, most people in the pub supported Manutd, and I really felt the ups and downs. wow~~ (hehe my team defeated Chelsea by 2-0 at the end)

Most of the shops closed on sundays, so I headed back to my hostel. I went to the common room, chatted and watched TV with others until 9, when I get prepared to visit Printworks. The place was one of the main industrial areas when Manchester was still an important industrial city. As industrial activities became less and less in England, Manchester changed into a city famous for design, and Printworks gradually developed from an industrial area to a entertaining zone gathering pubs and restaurants in Manchester. I picked a bar randomly and walked straight to the bar table. Met a guy who paid for my drinks, danced and had fun for the whole night. I love drinking in Manchester~~


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