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July 25th 2008
Published: July 25th 2008
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Jorvic Viking Expedition

We caught the bus in and headed to the Jorvic Viking Expedition. Vikings had ruled York from 866 AD to 954 AD . The English briefly took control from 927 AD to 939 AD, but the last Viking King, Eric Bloodaxe was expelled in 954 AD and the town became a part of the new kingdom of England.

Eric Bloodaxe, what a sweet name. Maybe I should change my name to Geoff Murder Bow or something..

The Viking Expedition cost £7 ($18). I actually got in for cheaper because the guy realised I was young and I was with Christoph. Probably thought that I was a single parent or something haha. Dom didn't want to spend the money so he went off and did a few things in town.
Whilst there was some badass swords, helmets and funny stuff, it wasn't £7 worth of badass.
Bit of a disappointment but meh.

Street Performer

After the expedition, we headed towards the Minster, which is a massive cathederal. On the way there, there was a street performer who had a large crowd surrounding him. He picked out a guy from the crowd to help him. I laughed and said "Thank god that wasn't me" quietly under my breath. The guy then said "I need another helper...Guy in the black shirt!" Fuck it was embarassing.
He then picked a mean looking chick from the crowd and he kept making sly moves on her. It was funny as. He took his shirt off and was like "Does this make you hot? Do you want to lick my nipple?" haha.

The chick padlocked his hands then the other English guy and I chained him up and held the ladder for him to climb up. When he got to the top of the ladder, he got a little kid to get his hat out of the box infront of him and put it on his foot. He then flicked the hat onto his head with his foot.
He got a hair pin from the crowd, then gave himself 2 minutes to completely get free from the chains. There was a timer going in the background.
He dislocated his thumb, picked the lock and then took all the chains off. That bastard.


We went for a cheap lunch at a small bakery in town. I got two cheese and onion pastrys for £2 ($5.34). They were average at best. Dom bought some Yum Yums (Task Completed!) which we ate. They tasted kind of like doughnuts, but with a lemony taste. Not amazing, but worth trying.

The Minster

I thought the Cathederal in Ripon was large, but it was nothing in comparisson to this place. The place was so large I couldn't get it on my camera. I even went Halfway down a side road but couldn't capture the entire building.
We had to pay to get inside which I thought was pretty ratshit. That's one thing that actually made me feel quite disgusted about both churchs. Here they are using something they believe in so dearly as a commodity. I paid $7.5 ($20) to see the tower and the rest of the building. We didn't fork out the extra £3 or so to see the crypt.

We decided to go up the tower first in which we had to climb 275 steps. I'm glad I'm young because a few of the middle age people behind us were having a hell of a time haha. Panting all the way up the stairs, sweating like an eskimo in the desert. The stairs were pretty much vertical so the climb was tough. Halfway up, you get to a sign which says "You have got another 167 stairs to climb!" Bastards.
It was really nerve wrecking being even half way up as the barrier would hardly stop you from sliding down the roof.
Eventually we made it to the top. We were surrounded by a cage with holes in it for taking photos. That made me feel so much more comfortable (I'm terrified of heights). Actually, I really don't know why we went up there as all 3 of us are scared of heights haha. It just had to be done I guess.

We climbed down the stairs and had a further look through the Minster. The sheer size of everything inside is just amazing. There were tourists everywhere which made it hard to take photos. I kept getting annoyed trying to take photos and made comments like "Fucking Tourists." Dom and Christoph felt that it was necessary to point out the oxymoron in my statement.
All the walls had something different on them. There was a section of The Minster that was completely covered in statues.
There was a clock which had two metal guards below it that moved their spears together to make the clock chime.

Betty's Tearoom

After the Minster we went to Betty's tearoom for the novelty. We got two scones and a pot of tea for £7.5 ( the same price to enter the Minster). Apparently the stereotype of English people going to tearooms is actually a tad incorrect.. Accroding to Dom, only rich people tend to do this. It's all about the pubs over here, cafes and tea rooms just aren't as popular. Dom said that this was only his 3rd time going to one in the 8 years they had been here.
They had a funny fork which was slightly bigger on one of the sides.

Railway Museum

By this stage we had done heaps of walking, so we got here really exhausted. The first thing we did was sit down and have something to drink.
There's not much more to say about this place other then it had heaps of trains.

We went on this thing that was similar to a motion master. The lady asked us which track we'd like to do, we told her "the hardest one." We went on the Ravine Racer which apparently two people had asked her to stop as they were so scared. What a fucking joke. I'm glad Dom shouted me the £3 ($8) for this as it was over in 4 minutes and wasn't even remotely scary.
We sat in there screaming and making all sorts of noises. When we got out the lady was like "Was that you lot making all the noise." heh.

Pub Dinner

English Curry for dinner accompanied by a pint. £6 ($16). Not bad, not bad at all. The curry was the business. We got a 1/3 pint taster tray which contained 4 glasses.
Little John, Stonewall (York Beer), Lion Heart and Ghost (York Beer).
The Little John and Stone Wall were my two favourites. Dom was all about the Lion Heart. We had to sit upstairs because Christoph was with us, which was kind of stink, as I was keen on the pub atmosphere, but we got a seat by the window to gaze at people walking past. It's funny how badly tourists stand out.

Dom and I got a bit tipsy, then we caught a cab home where we left Christoph and went out to another pub to meet Raph's best friend Kate. She's pretty much a family member to my cousins. They warned me that she would try to analyse my accent so when we got there I started ripping on her accent. haha. She spoke weird in comparison to all the other English people I've talked to. A proper 'Geordie,' which basically means a person from Newcastle. They have a really strong accent in comparisson to other parts of England.

I saw a chick with a Terror hoodie at the pub and asked her if she was going to the Rebellion Fest, but she said she couldn't afford it which was pretty stink. I thought I had found someone who was going.

We were all pretty drunk and then Dom had to head home because Christoph called him. Kate and I had full pints so we decided to finish those and head home. I walked Kate home as I thought she lived really close (we bumped into her the day before and she was at a place a minute walk from Doms). Turns out that wasn't her house at all and she lived fucking ages away in a somewhat ghetto neighborhood haha. Ah well. I found my way home and crashed on the couch.

The next Day

Watched American Gangster which was awesome. Really cool movie. Unfortunately we were in the sun room and half the time we couldn't see the picture but yeah.

Headed home about 11. Stopped off to buy lunch at Tescos. Got a Vege Sandwhich, small bag of chips, cadbury cream egg chocolate bar (what the hell!) and a drink of water for about £2 ($5.4). Bargin.

Mark made us "Toad in a Hole" for dinner. It was basically Yorkshire pudding with sausages in it. Tasted mean. I had my own vege one.

Off to Whitley Bay for £1 drinks. Didn't get any drinks for £1 which was pretty stink buzz, but got a cheap redbull and vodka (Raphs friends were skulling them) for £2.5 ($6.6).

That's me for the moment. Uploading photos takes ages so I'll try to get them done ASAP.

Additional photos below
Photos: 74, Displayed: 28


Viking ToiletViking Toilet
Viking Toilet

This guy was taking a dump.
Street PerformerStreet Performer
Street Performer

That little Devil thing danced when he played

26th July 2008

I find it really funny that you have a blog, im pretty much just sitting here just cracking up. You havent said if youre having a good time or not. Do you love it? Hate it? Glad to be gone? Oh, im glad i know how much your food costs! Youre the man!
27th July 2008

You the bomb Geoff. Love the write ups - so descriptive and funny. Looking forward to ur next write up dude.
28th July 2008

The viking place looks amazing!

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