Rebellion Fest - Day 2

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August 9th 2008
Published: August 9th 2008
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The Something Somethings

hahaha I've totally got to give this it's own personal mention before everything. They were the first band I saw yesterday and while they were playing the singer is like "Alright, I'm about to bring out the biggest slut you've ever seen. I've been fucked by her, you've been fucked by her, everyone you know has been fucked by her... and here she is!

*Brings out a inflatable beach ball of the world cut open*

hahahaha. Then out comes this dude in a Tony Blair mask and him and the singer went to work on the world hahahaha.

Ahem.... and now here's my blog:

Blackpool - Day 3

Yesterday I had a bit of a depressing start to the day. Felt pretty low in the morning, started to miss people. It's a weird feeling being on your own and hanging talking to people but feeling completely alone. Alone in the Crowd if you must.
Breaskfast consisted of baked beans, hashbrowns, Cereal, Juice and Coffee. Meat for the meat eaters. The Hashbrowns are oily as fuck. The baked beans taste really weird...almost oily as well. It's not a good breakfast for someone who's hungover as fuck.

haha this morning everyone was sitting in the breakfast room eating and one of the guys thinks that the juice tastes funny. Like "Dishwashing Liquid." The lady came and took it away. I felt pretty gutted as I had just downed two glasses. haha.

Things about Englandl that are different from NZ (some things are only blackpool related):
Cops on Horses.
People say "FUCKING A" or "That's ACE."
The Pound Notes and Coins all have different pictures on them.
There are millions of B & B's everywhere.

There are speakers in the town. On the first day I was here this speaker went of saying something like "The two people running, we're watching you." What is this Big Brother. Holy fuck.

Rebellion Fest - Day 2

The day started off pretty quietly at a place called the Bizaare Bazaar part of the venue. There was some acoustic act on. He was pretty funny. Played "Wonder Wall" by Oasis, but sang The Fresh Prince of Bell Air lyrics haha.
I met up with Jane and Gareth and we got to work... well.. they bought me a pint. John Smiths fo lyf.
Today had some way better bands and some way shitter bands then yesterday.

This band called Mouth Guard. My god. What a crock of shit. I talked to the guitarist from them the day before and he kept talking about how he had been 'doing this shit for 20 years' and how their sound was like 'no other.'
Watched them. The sounded like a really poor OI band. Singer was out of time and the drummer was playing his own songs.
Douche. He's from Australia, so I guess that's the reason behind it.

Watched a couple of comedians who were fucking funny. Then decided to go see The Rabble. They were really good. The room they played in was massive and there were so many people there. Like, thousands. Heaps of people really dug them. Talked to Jamie and Rupe afterwards and congratulated them. I know people give them shit, but they're a solid band.
The aussie guy I met, who everytime i see him i scream "AUSTRALIA" said he saw this really wicked band at The Ballroom. Turns out it was them.

After The Rabble was a band called Outl4w. Amazing. Kids. Dudes are 15, one guy looks like he's 12 (maybe he's just veritcally challenged) and here they are playing to thousands of people and absolutely kicking ass. It makes me think back to the time i wasted when i was 15. I'm going to try and find a CD of theirs.

Watched a few other bands which really aren't worth mentioning until i saw Citizen Fish. Didn't really like their songs previously, but seeing them last night changed my mind. Amazing show. Some dude in the pit fell over and as I picked him up he accidently headbutted me in the nose. Blood went everywhere. God it was embarassing. Went and cleaned myself up and missed the last two songs. Stink buzz.

Saw Blood or Whiskey after them who were fucking choice.

Met lots of people last night. This guy who had been squatting since he was 14. Cool people. All real nice.

Went and watched Bad Manners afterwards. My god. The entire floor in the room was moving. Like, literally. The floor was rippling. It was buzzy.

Anyway. Got to look for a train.. TOODLES!


9th August 2008

said the rabble was hot dad knows best-just remember a shot from a head 2 a face is calld a liverpool kiss and yor near 2 the home of it-have a letter from sum horseridin place over there who want money from me because your bony bum left there horse bent in the midle and they can't straiten it-yor sista doesnt seem to have any ridin problems-respect aye-is yor nose broken or just bent now love dad
10th August 2008

Nose isn't broken, just sore as fuck haha.
10th August 2008

we say fuckin a here too dork. we're missing you hereee. 5th threat and not ok show wasn't the same without you!

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