The blog begins

Published: July 18th 2011
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A typically rainy day in Manchester and it's my first day of a new temp job. A mix up at the train station has me on the wrong train in the wrong direction, and a commute which was supposed to take 1 1/2 hours ends up taking 4. As a result I'm 2 hours late. Perfect.

I arrive drenched and apologetic. The job is covering reception for a few days as the usual receptionist - Mandy is getting married, so today consists of her showing me the ropes before leaving tomorrow. As with any typical meeting with a stranger, we exchange the usual pleasantries asking about each other's interests and establish a fast bond over our love of Glastonbury. It turns out she met her fiance there 3 years ago, then they actually got together there last year. I explain that I'm temping before I go travelling this Summer. I reel off my planned destinations and she gets really excited about India, showing me a blog written by 2 of her friends who travelled there and fell in love with it a couple of years ago. I feel quite touched as she prints off pages that may be of use to me. As she's flicking through the pages, she suddenly stops and says,

"This will sound really weird, but can you do me a favour?"
"Yes" I say curiously.
"I have a card. When you get to India, can you throw it in the first river that you see?"
"Of course" I say, still bemused. "May I ask why?"

She explains that her friend Claire, who'd travelled there had been diagnosed with cancer upon her return and had lost her battle a couple of months ago. Mandy had written her a card and wanted to do something meaningful with it, but had been stuck for ideas until now. I tell Mandy I'll be honoured to do this for her and I tell her I'll post her a picture of the river. Claire's funeral is tomorrow. Mandy's wedding is the day after. Our conversation took place over the course of stolen moments in between greeting customers and taking phone calls. The chances are I'll never see Mandy again after today. As I'm leaving the office Mandy and I hug and say goodbye. I entered the office 2 hours late, flustered and sodden with the embarrassment of a bad first impression. I leave with a new mission as I hold Claire's blog and Mandy's card in my hand.

And so, on what started as just another dreary day in Manchester, I start my own blog, because even though there's still two months until I leave, somehow I think my journey has already begun....


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