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July 3rd 2015
Published: July 3rd 2015
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When we say "party", then we think about fun and socializing,until we are not in the role of host. Then the whole story becomes less fun and more stressful. Do you sometimes seem that some people are just meant to be hospitable, and that their parties are always great? In fact, a little knowledge and planning can help you to be an excellent party host. Try these 6 steps.

1. Plan on time. Any gathering of people requires planning and organization. Start planning now. Before you invite your friends put on paper everything you need - food that you will serve, drinks, tableware, music, decoration ...Or for a great party location check out Bottaccio.

2. Select a theme of the party. It is actually the reason for gathering, and it will stimulate people to show up at your party. It can be a birthday party, Valentine's Day, rock party, nostalgic party ... The theme will help your guests to more easily find a common topic of conversation, say about favorite rock bands. If you are having a party with a special dress code, you will expel people from their everyday life and provide them the opportunity to feel differently. It will certainly entertain them.

3. Invite the guests. Keep in mind the size of the space and the theme of the party. If youmake a party for Valentine's Day on which everyone comes in pairs, do not call someone who has no partner. Send invitations to people or call them on the phone. Today, you can easily make a commercial for the party. Create events on social networks, invite your friends, add beautiful images and attractive moments from the party. Maintain interest with new messages and calls on socializing.

4. Prepare yourself. Clear the party area and get a sufficient amount of food. Do not forget the soap, toilet paper, the decoration if desired. Select appropriate music and special lighting. Be ready for a party at least a half hour earlier. Prepare food in advance, set up the tables. In this way, you will have time to socialize with your guests, and you will not spend a party in the kitchen.

5. Be hospitable. Partying with nervous and panic host will not be fun,. Be kind to guests, talk to everyone. If something goes wrong, try to turn it into a joke. In this way, burnt dinner can be an experience of laughter and retelling

Planning a party? Do not get nervous. A little planning and a positive mood are all you need.


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