London - my last 10 days.

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October 26th 2008
Published: October 26th 2008
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Today I arrived in London dropped my bags at the hostel and then headed into London, I had a wander around Westminster before heading back to the hostel again to check in and have some dinner.


I went into London today and went to Harrods and shopped around Knightsbridge and then onto Oxford and Regent Street. It was a saturday so it was so busy. I went and had lunch at Cheers in between shopping. Before it was time to head back to the hostel.


Today I headed to St James Park and had a wander through the park, where I watched lots of sqirrels playing in the fallen leaves. I then walked over to the Horse guards where I was just in time to see the changing of the guards. I then walked down to Westminster - Parliment Houses, on the way I passed number 10 Downing Street. After that I just wandered around London taking in the sights.
Tonight I went and had a lovely roast dinner with Uncle Jim and Auntie Jean.


Today I moved hostels to The Clink, my last hostel of the trip. I spent the day updating my travelblog and walking around the area after some lunch and then headed to Wimbolden to see Auntie Jean and Uncle Jim for dinner.


Today I went to Regents Park where I sat on a bench while talking to Ben and a squirrel came up and sat on my lap looking for food. I walked through Regents Park and went to the London zoo where I sat for 2 hours watching the Gorillas - it was just amazing to watch. I then headed back to the hostel as I was moving to Conal's house today, where they offered for me to stay until the end of my trip, which I gladly excepted, yay, no more carrying my bags until it's time to go to the airport. I made my way to Swiss Cottage and then went out for dinner with Dale and Conal - where I was lucky enough to hold a real Oscar for Burning Mississippi.


Today I went to the London Bridge Experience, which was great and scared the living daylights out of myself. After the London Bridge I walked to Tower Bridge where I walked over it to the Jewel tower - which was just amazing to walk around I really enjoyed it today. I spent some time just sitting and lookinng over the Themes to the Tower Bridge. I then walked over to the Lyceum Theatre where I purchased my tickets for the Lion King for Thursday night.


Today I wnet out to Windsor Castle for the day and had an enjoyable day wandering around the castle and the town on Windsor. I then headed back home where I got myself ready to go to the Lion King. The Lion King was an absolutley amazing experience it was the best thing I have ever seen it was just so beautiful. Words just can't explain it.


Today I went back to Harrods and then headed over to Westminster where I sat looking towards the London Eye, where I later met Lorissa. Lorissa and I went up on the london Eye and had a fantastic time admiring the view and catching up. After the Eye we headed for Regent and Oxford street and had a girly day shopping and then had dinner at Liestersquare.


Today I headed out to do my last minute shopping on Oxford Street before heading over to the Camden Markets to meet up with Lorissa, we had a great day wandering around the markets, with all the punks and goths everywhere, it was so crazy and crowded.


Today I headed out early to Hampton Court Gardens, which was just beautiful walking around the amazing gardens, you could reallly feel what it must have been like there back when Henry the 8th was king. It was a very cold, wet and miserable day today for my last day in London. After Hampton Court I headed to Regent Street t find a pub for my last English pub meal, I ended up in the Crown which is where Alex and I had lunch a couple of months ago. I then headed back to Conal's where I packed my bags andd chilled out with Conal and Dale before having a delicious roast for dinner. I am very excited and happy to be coming home tomorrow.


Today I went to

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