London- The good, the bad, the ugly

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July 19th 2007
Published: September 29th 2007
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LONDON- The good and the bad..

Things I hate about London:

1. Black Snot

2. Random guys jerking off on the bus and hoping that u wont notice just because u may be facing the other way....

3. The Tube- peak hour is ridiculous, it becomes a sauna on a hot day and the concept of fainting on the way home does not seem out of the question..( Oh, and the way they tell you EXACTLY why there are delays.. Like, ' there is no service between Piccadilly and Leisceter Square due to a body on the tracks..' What eva happened to ..'technical difficulties..')

4. The ridiculous queues at Primark or any other Oxford St clothes shop.. both to the fitting rooms AND the registers..

5. Dirty feet.. SO ova it..

6. Drinking too much

7. Ppl who have NO comprehension of how to say sorry if they run into you..

8. Nosey or dodgy landlords..

9. Randoms deciding they can walk into ur house and steal ur bag.. Living in a ghetto can be annoying at times..

But, of course, its not ALL bad..

Things i LOVE about London..

1. Being So close to Europe

2. Cheap airfares..

3. Being a traveller- constantly meeting new pepole and forming new friendships. But of course having the option to just go.. 'no, dont like u at, Goodbye!'

4. Primark!!! The only way to buy cheap in London!!

5. The amazing talent and variety of music from buskers in the tube. Everything from pan pipes to opera, violists playing irish music to jamacan men singing groovy regge..

6. Drinking too much- and how much it costs..

7. Turning the corner and finding a new street, or place to explore that makes you remember why youre here.. Theres always something new..

8. Amazing shopping- From Portabello Road and the Borough Market to Oxford Street, theres always something out there to discover

9. £ 2.89 Cider.. 3 liters for under 3 quid.. Need i say more..

10. Opportunites..

11. Trafalga Square- one of those places that makes u go..' yep, this is London..'

12. Ghetto Roof- The best place to have a few ( or many more than a few) drinks and meet the neighbours!!

13. And of course the quintisential English icon; the English pub.. Theres nothing quite like it..

Hope youve enjoyed my little rant..

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