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May 17th 2007
Published: May 17th 2007
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Today I decided to visit Westminister and Chelsea Hospital. Not on too many tourist maps but a lovely place just the same! I don't think it was a great idea to go sightseeing in the rain the other day...I couldn't seem to shake this bug I had (even after a week of rest and no alcohol). Coughing all night wasn't the best way to introduce myself to the other people in my hostel room either, so I thought it best to get checked out. Wasn't the easiest thing finding a free hospital (first place I went to wanted to charge $200!), but found a hospital that did the whole NHS scheme so I didn't have to pay a thing and only waited an hour (quicker than a Sydney hospital). Met a nice Aussie pharmacist from Gosford, got some drugs, and was out of there.


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