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May 17th 2007
Published: May 17th 2007
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My plane mamaMy plane mamaMy plane mama

This is Dolores and I at Heathrow Airport in London. We chatted most of the plane ride (during waking hours of course). I bought her a bottle of wine and in repayment, she kept giving me snacks from Hawaii. Yum.
Day1: The plane ride began on a good note. An older couple switched their Economy PLUS (a slightly roomier option) with my regular Economy so that they could sit with their family. The lady who also switched became my "plane Mother". Dolores was a 71yo Filipina born in Kuai (sp?), with 4 grown children, the youngest in the 40's, and 8 grandchildren. She was also a mistress to her "honey" for 35yrs. She was so adorable that I treated her to a small bottle of red wine. I refused her repayment in cash but she repayed me with numerous snacks from Hawaii. We exchanged info and hugged and kissed goodbye at the baggage claim area. On a sour note, the two young British couple next to us laughed, screamed and talked loudly the ENTIRE flight. She kept dancing in her seat and bumping me while I tried to sleep. Argh!

I arrived in London, England at 7:10am. Then proceeded to the dreaded long line through customs and then finally, I was able to get my backpack.

Once I got on the bus that would take me to Victoria Station, I realized that the weather was not what I expected. Most of the clothes I packed were tanktops and short-sleeved tops for expected hot weather. Lo and behold, muggy, grey clouds and drizzle welcomed me to London. Of course, as I was walking and searching for Victoria Hostel, it began to pour.

The first place I visted was Buckingham Palace. I saw the carriages and horses that dragged around the royality. I wanted to visit the garden featured on the visitors map but was told that the garden and palace was closed until August. That's 7 pounds entrance ($14 USD)!!! But I walked around and found that I could still see those silly soldiers that guard the palace. I was also able to see James Park with it's beautiful trees and lake. There was a cute little grassy area where they had blue and white stiped lounge chairs. I ate lunch and rested for a bit as I soaked in the atmosphere.

I went back to the hostel, freshened up and proceeded to what I thought was Westminster Abbey but was actually Westminster Cathedral. It was still beautiful. The choir sang...those little boys are amazing. The atmosphere, the singing and prayers got me thinking about family, friends
on the buson the buson the bus

funny signs here. Give way man!
and Dad in heaven. I miss him.

Additional photos below
Photos: 20, Displayed: 20


London streetLondon street
London street

walking the damp streets of London. Where is the sun?
Astor Victoria: my dorm roomAstor Victoria: my dorm room
Astor Victoria: my dorm room

I have the bottom bunk on the right side by the window. This was a mixed dorm room. There was only one other girl in the room using the bunk above mine.
Buckingham PalaceBuckingham Palace
Buckingham Palace

This is one of the carriages used to transport royalty. I bit fancy, eh?
Buckingham PalaceBuckingham Palace
Buckingham Palace

This the carriage used for Lady Diana's wedding: The Glass coach.
Buckingham PalaceBuckingham Palace
Buckingham Palace

yes, those are fake horses
Buckingham PalaceBuckingham Palace
Buckingham Palace

This carriage is huge. It weighs more than a ton. Poor horses.
Buckingham PalaceBuckingham Palace
Buckingham Palace

One of the gates in front of Buckinham Palace
Buckingham PalaceBuckingham Palace
Buckingham Palace

This was in front of the Palace
Buckingham PalaceBuckingham Palace
Buckingham Palace

Changing of the guards
Buckingham PalaceBuckingham Palace
Buckingham Palace

There were a lot of these golden gates
Lamp PostLamp Post
Lamp Post

I have no idea where I took this picture. I just thought it looked cool against the dark, foreboding clouds
St. James ParkSt. James Park
St. James Park

The entire area had blue and white striped lounge chairs.
St. James ParkSt. James Park
St. James Park

The birdies know the way
St. James ParkSt. James Park
St. James Park

a grove of trees

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