It's not raining, it's snowing!

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December 1st 2006
Published: December 12th 2006
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Okay, give a girl a break.. My first snow was in fact fake foam, but aesthetically it was just as beautiful!

For the lighting of Bond Street the whole street was closed off and was open for pedestrians only. Most of the stores were serving champagne and yummies as they offered Christmas shopping specials (not that it made Gucci, Prada or Armani any more affordable!) and had decorated rickshaws with free rides up and down the street to ease the feet of tired shoppers!

Other breaking news (from Bond Streets first snow!) this week was the death of a ex Russian Spy - poisoned by a radioactive cocktail, supposedly in the Millennium Hotel next door to my work where 4 of our Directors were staying and dining that day!

I felt like I had fallen straight into The Bill, as two detectives came in to check our external CCTV footage, dressed in long trench coats, whipping out their badges and flashing them around!!

Seven of the hotel staff have since been tested positive, but the guys at work are yet to start glowing green!!

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13th December 2006

Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday Megan! Mum tells me you are no longer a teenager now but I thought you were already really grown up. I want Mum to take me to London to visit you - and Thomas and Postman Pat. Love Daniel (and Jessica, Helen and Al)

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