London - Part II

Published: July 3rd 2006
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Wimbledon - ME!Wimbledon - ME!Wimbledon - ME!

Made it at least. Checking out the days schedule
Well………..back in London for a few days to a relax a little before heading on. Not that I relaxed all that much. I managed to fit in a visit to Wimbledon, see a play in the West End, and Europride 2006.

Wimbledon was cetainly an experience. It involved an early start, catching the Tube to Wimbledon South, and a short walk to find the bus that travels to the tennis centre. Arriving at around 8.30, I knew there was a bit of a wait until the gates opened (at 10.30am)……but of course I wasn’t the only one wanting to get in, and the queue was enormous. I was handed a Queue Card ticket to verify my place in the line, and seeing I was number 2,742 I was fairly confident about getting inside………until I was told that there was another queue operating from the opposite direction.

Anyway……..I eventually got in, and after such a long queuing process thought I’d indulge in a traditional Pimms. While there I managed to catch Nalbandian and Bjorkman playing (not against each other). It’s amazing how close you are to them on the outside courts. I also watched some women's doubles, and sat on
Wimbledon - The queuing procedureWimbledon - The queuing procedureWimbledon - The queuing procedure

An experience in itself
the hill to see Lleyton win his way through to the next round in a 5 setter on the big-screen (I only had a grounds pass…… so didn’t have access to Court 1 where he was playing). But there were plenty of other Aussies cheering him on from where I was.

It was so hot though that I didn’t manage to hang around all day, as there’s no shade on offer to sit and watch the games (other than for Court 13, for which there was a huge queue to get in).

When here last I has looking around for something decent to see in the West End (wanting to avoid the big musicals - of which there were plenty on offer)……. And eventually settled on Sam Shepard’s “Fool for Love’ at the Apollo Theatre. It starred Juliette Lewis, and she was quite impressive - as was the play in general - so I really enjoyed myself that night.

The next day involved heading into the city centre to check out Europride 2006. While expecting more of a protest march than a parade with floats, I was surprised to see that it was really something inbetween both of these. It was quite long really…..lots of people involved, and all fairly intent to enjoy themselves.

After resting up on the Sunday (combined with some necessary washing and ironing)……..I packed up again to head to Edinburgh. I’m not back in London for another 5 weeks or so.

Additional photos below
Photos: 6, Displayed: 6


Europride IIIEuropride III
Europride III

Maybe a little over the top

5th July 2006

Green with Envy
Hey David - glad to hear you are having a great time and keep the blogs coming! Look forward to more of your exploits!
12th July 2006

Friends and I may be a little over the top
Hi David Nice pic of my friends and I at EuroPride on Regent Street (Ithink). I am in blue on the left. Hope you enjoyed the day, we certainly did. Good luck on your adventure. Regards Rob

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