June 10 - London

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June 10th 2009
Published: June 21st 2009
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Backing out of the Globe, running through London, past the London eye, laughing as we pass the other tourists, to catch a bus that leaves in 20 minutes from by Westmister. And then --- arriving, in time, to find: the bus has been delayed for an hour. Oh, traveling 😊.

Why there were no pictures: I had the umbrella; she had the camera. We pack light if one is to carry essentials. Also, it was a day trip, organized by OSAP, with a walking tour of Westminster. The Globe was lovely, and the genuine groundling experience -- genuine.


21st June 2009

Don't you love how they will not let you sit down! I thought that was so amusing! I am so excited for you! It sounds like you are having a wonderful experience!
2nd July 2009

Megan, it's been so fun reading all your blog entries. I never get bored reading what you write and am very happy that you had the chance to experience so many different things in England. :) Miss you but i'll see you soon! ~ Laura

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