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September 1st 2007
Published: September 4th 2007
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Leaving HeathrowLeaving HeathrowLeaving Heathrow

6.30am and smilling!!!
The day before departure was manic. We finished packing the bags at about midnight and then went to bed at 1am.
The alarm duly woke us at 4.30am. We threw stuff at it and went back to sleep and eventually relented and got up at 5.
Checked in online, which meant we didn't have to queue.
We can recomend Virgin Atlantic if you have kids. The girls were given a good quality bags, that have now replaced the ones they did have, full of stuff to do.
I watched hot fuzz on the plane over and was in absolute histerics most of the way through it. Ellie kept elbowing me and telling me to shut up. I did enjoy playing battleships as a two player game with ellie.
Ellie had a terrible time coming in to land with her ears. We have now bought loads of lolly pops which seem to help.

The taxi ride was uneventful. I was a little disapointed cos I was expecting it to be entertaining, watching to many american films I suppose.
We arrived at the hotel dumped bags and went for a walk. The hotel was 2 block from Times square in an area called Hells kitchen.
We had a walk around a flea market. I have seen better stuff at UK boot sales.
We had a meal and drank some Stella, which was the same price as uk.
Everyone was knackered so we went back to the hotel. We made the girls stay up till 6pm and just about managed to stay awake until 8pm ourselves. Don't forget NYC is 5 hours behind. Long day!!!


8th September 2007

It's great how people always chose an item abroad to compare prices - this must be a Russ blog cos that item is BEER! (I see you didn't venture into American gnat piss beer yet!!!)

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