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December 22nd 2006
Published: December 24th 2006
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Thursday at work I was a bit tired, but got loads of work done as hardly anyone was in! I arrived a bit later than usual (10ish!) and left earlier than usual (4ish) but probably did more work in the time! It was the last day at the office!

In the evening Wayne, Jeff, Lucy, Katherine and I all headed out to town. We went to Haha, Out of Office Hours and the Hippo. Lucy ‘hates’ hippo but due to the RnB flavour and the great company declared it a great night! The police boys from the night before joined us at Hippo and were just as much fun again.

Katherine declared that Hippo was not as good as Escape - she was right! The décor is a bit dated! We still had a great time. Katherine left before us as she was tired! We headed in at about 2am and chatted for ages before finally collapsing in bed! Exhausted but happy.


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