Jet Lag Sucks

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April 29th 2007
Published: August 7th 2007
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Punting is just asking to fall in the river.
Day 2: Sun, April 29th

Today we were hit hard by Jet Lag. Tim woke up at 1:30am and couldn’t go back to sleep. I woke up at 4am, and was wide-awake. We tried to sleep longer, but out bodies were telling us it was time to get up. So we had an early start today. My “travel hairdryer”, that cost $35.00, literally blew up in my hands, which pissed me off.
We caught a train from Liverpool station to Cambridge. Where we were going to meet Caroline, who is an old friend of Tim’s. They met while he was stationed in Milldenhall (near Cambridge) back in 98-2000. Caroline and her boyfriend Justin were nice enough to show us around today, and offered us a place to stay. Caroline met us at the Train Station and we went off to tour Cambridge. Most of the colleges were closed (something about exams going on), so we were only able to tour Trinity College. It had some very nice grounds, but we were only allowed to see one hall. We then had lunch at ‘The Eagle’, which is famous for having writing on the ceiling, left by American WWII soldiers, who were stationed near there during the war. Then Tim had to drop by his favorite pub in Newmarket (where he met Caroline), ‘The Waggon and Horses’.…It’s funny how they ask you if you want ice here, and then they only give you 2 pieces of ice. I did not know ice was such a luxury item.

We then went to Caroline’s home in Nassington. Nassington is in such charming countryside. Carolyn had told us there was a pasture with Highland Coos (Cows from Scotland that have long hair - one of my reasons for going to Scotland) just down the road so we walked over to take a look. I’ve never been so excited to see Cows, but they are really cute!....Justin and Carolyn drove us over to Fothering Hay, where there had once been a castle, which is where poor Mary Queen of Scots lost her head. We walked all along the site of the castle (there were great views here of the countryside), and then walked over to the local abbey.

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