Twisted Mirrors, beautiful old city and a great big lake!

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Europe » Switzerland » North-West » Lucerne
January 31st 2009
Published: April 5th 2009
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Did you know...
art often works as a table of contents for non-artrelated subjects and disciplines? It connects multiple dots of various types of knowledge creating temporary spatial constellations of collective thinking.

Having arrived to Basel from a relatively comfortable nights sleep, and saying goodbye to the Australian's I changed on a train to go to Luzern. On the way there I met a lady living in Switzerland that was originally from the Netherlands. We spoke Dutch together and then - in English - I tried to explain the concept of couch surfing to her. After the train got to Luzern, I went to Sabine's and Christoph's house with the directions I got from google maps. I got there relatively quickly, got my bags down and then had breakfast with Sabine. That was really nice and interesting hearing about her trips. Christoph was away and I didn't get to meet him that weekend unfortunately as he was away. While Sabine studied I went looking around the city of Luzern. IT was a really nice city. I got some fresh bread from the market. I really like a lot of the bread that I had in Switzerland. Its got a lot of taste in it. I also got salami. I enjoyed this at the top of the hill by the Rosegarden that overlooks the city.

I did the walk through Luzern's old town - from Banhhoftstraase to Rossilgasse to Flakenplatz to Grendelstrasse. I saw the Saturday markets on the streets and the main squares like the Korn Markt and the Kapeellplatz. Even though it wasn't the best weather out there was still alot of people who were out and about doing their shopping and enjoying the relatively nice - well it wasn't raining weather. I ended up at a shopping centre were I brought some Belgian chocolates and some chocolate mousse -yum.

Then I headed to the Glacier Garden. The Glacier Garden or the Gletschergaten is a natural monument with gigantic glacial potholes from the Ice age 20,000 years ago and 20 million year old Fossils. In the museum is the oldest reliefs of Switzerland. There is also an outdoor garden and a hall of mirrors.

What was really fun about the Glacier Garden was the hall of mirrors. Hours of quality entertainment there - well at least half an hour. And there was these 2 cute bunnies there that I kept trying to pat. So cute! And the view from the watchtower was pretty nice and I guess the glacier garden was interesting with all its glacier information. Anyways after that I went to the art museum. That was quite nice had some Picasso and Paul Klee works there. In the evening, well when it was starting to get dark I came back to Sabine's place and we watched The Traitor together and had dinner and I got some inspiration from to go to south America.

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for renee
the old town of Luzernthe old town of Luzern
the old town of Luzern

near the fortress

18th August 2009

yes i too really loved luzern. its sooo beautiful and romantic. i remember when i was there, i just kept think "if only dasha was here with me". well im glad you got to go and experience it for yourself!
19th August 2009

no i loved it and the fat lady was the bomb

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