Stockholm - actually not a bad place really

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June 10th 2008
Published: June 10th 2008
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Well, we've been in Stockholm for three days and have finally found a better hostel.

In the mean time we've been to the National Museum and seen all those awesome Viking finds we've all just read about including the Mastamyr chest :-) We've been to the Vasa ship museum and seen the biggest and most intact 15th century warship ever built at the time - it sank in Stockholm harbour 20 minutes after it was first launched and salvaged 300 years later almost completely intact. We've been bending the plastic quite a lot but I think it's worth it.

Kathryn managed to somehow talk me into two rollercoaster rides at the local amusement park... not sure what came over me, but I did actually enjoy both of them.

We've done sightseeing tours by boat. We've been shopping. We've seen yet another palace and the ruins of the first one that burnt down in the basement. We haven't seen any more cathedrals because we're sick of them. We've been to Scansen, a huge open-air museum and saw Reindeer and Moose. We also ate Reindeer (a bit tough but otherwise like sweet beef).

We've also seen heaps of other stuff too. And managed to find a place to sit in the never-ending sun each day and drink beer. Are you jealous yet? Don't be too jealous - we're both buggered from all the traveling, but it's worth it.

Today we move into a new hostel in the Gamla Stan (the old part of town). The streets here are ancient cobblestone winding streets, just wide enough for two horse-drawn carts to pass each other, with five story 16th century houses towering over the top. Oh and there's an antique shop down the road that has pretties in it that make the heart palpitate.


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