Blogs from District of Madrid, Spain, Europe - page 13


Europe » Spain » District of Madrid November 2nd 2015

I am pretty sure that I have not improved as a photographer so it must be that my camera is getting better with age. Case in point, I took some pictures of the north facade of the Palacio Real last night and I was stunned by how well they turned out. The monochrome is quite dramatic! I include Susan's favorite of the ones I took. Given the success of the indoor and outdoor pics I took yesterday, I was looking forward to dazzling you with further gems today. I figured that since the Cerralbo and the Thyssen both allowed non-flash shots (and both are national museums) that I would be able to get more at the sights we would see today. Nope. You can take your camera in but you can't take pictures in either the ... read more
View from the courtyard of the PR
Ceiling of the entryway, PR
Very queenly, I think, at the PR

Europe » Spain » District of Madrid November 1st 2015

We were served dinner last night by Lady Death. She was very nice and we left her a nice tip. After all, you never know when you might run into her again. It was a nice, if slightly seedy Mexican restaurant close by which had reasonable prices and good service from a young woman whose full face makeup was that of a grinning skull. It made a very odd combination with her earnest attempts to mingle her limited English and our even more limited Spanish. And the partying that went on into the wee hours has no doubt left many people wishing they were dead, instead of just profoundly hungover. It wasn't just Hallowe'en here yesterday, it was the Dia de los Muertes, the Day of the Dead, and the celebration is much deeper here, especially ... read more
Tiled Dome
King ignoring the common folk at Palace
Common folk ignoring the king

Europe » Spain » District of Madrid November 1st 2015

What can I say? I had more pretty pictures than the first upload could handle so here is a second batch. One is a picture of a carved wooden ceiling. If it looks wonky, it's mostly because of the odd angle. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.... read more

Europe » Spain » District of Madrid November 1st 2015

Lazy day after noisy night. We finally drag ourselves out to seek breakfast at noon. Thought we'd try for the churros and chocolate thing for Susan. Nope. Line up out the door and etcetera. We don't do line ups for things I can't eat. Must have coffee so duck off crowded streets into tiny neighbourhood joint which was bemused to have us. Try to teach Susan how to order wine in Spanish. Remind me not to try that again. For the first time we do not get a smile out of the server - until we are leaving and I manage to get the phrase "really good hamburger" out in what must have been comprehensible Spanish. A huge smile came over her face. I'm so glad: service everywhere has been super pleasant and I was delighted ... read more

Europe » Spain » District of Madrid October 30th 2015

1. Peeter Neefs I. Never heard of him. He has a picture at the Thyssen, a church interior from the early 17th c. It almost leaps off the wall, light streaming from it, tiny little figures in the church almost cartoon-like, more American primiitive (ala Grandma Moses) than classical. There is a small group, perhaps twelve people gathered before a small altar in the left midground, a priest with his back to the congregation, hands raised in supplication. Elsewhere in the church, people go about their business, ignoring the worshippers, except for one woman in the centre foreground who has dropped to her knees and is facing the altar, her back to us. Rosary beads dangle from her hands. Not far away, three people stand having a chat. There is a dog with them. Only it ... read more

Europe » Spain » District of Madrid October 30th 2015

After a sunny, warm beautiful Friday, Madrid is in the mood to kick back and relax tonight. Downtown really does resemble a giant party, but one of the best kind, where you can enjoy any level from serenity to family get-toget hers to masses of singers and smokers crammed together in a blocks-long moving fiesta. We wanted something a little quieter than the police-attracting younger crowd in the nearby Plaza de Isabel II in front of the opera house and ended up in the Plaza Santiago, south and west of the main action. This is the plaza we have been looking for. It centres on a small church and features one restaurant with outdoor tables north across from the church and one bar with outdoor tables on the east side. The bar side attracted families with ... read more

Europe » Spain » District of Madrid October 29th 2015

we went off to the Museo Thyssen, which shows off the collection of the Thyssen family of German/Hungarian industrialists who ended up selling their one Billion dollar collection of art to Spain for a mere $350 million a few years ago. The last Baroness Thyssen-Bornemisza described the sale as giving the public a chance to share in the beauty of the collection she and her husband, the late Baron had so much joy in collecting. She doesn't mention the family squabble over the will which may have assisted her in making the decision to share all that beauty! And it is an Amazing art collection, ranging from Dutch masters up through Van Gogh and Picasso. Hint: if you are going to go, buy the tickets online and save yourself a wait "in line". It was fifteen ... read more

Europe » Spain » District of Madrid October 28th 2015

On openings: the first day here I get an email from Antonio, our young landlord. Seems I had forgotten to fully close the street door to the building. Please would I be more careful in the future. I guess the concierge, a tiny little man who has an office overlooking the lobby, caught me out and ratted me out. I promise to be more careful in the future although I was pretty sure the door had shut behind us. No skin off m y nose to say sorry, right? I check when we go out next. The door will swing almost shut on its own. There is no spring, however, and you have to pull it the last five millimetres or so. Okay, done. But I now have the concierge pegged as one of those gimlet-eyed ... read more

Europe » Spain » District of Madrid October 27th 2015

Too beautiful a day to spend inside, so after a quick coffee at El Mollete , off we go. Oh, coffee is on the main floor where the nice cook served us with a huge smile at my successful attempt to speak my little Spanish! She was also kind enough to identify herself in photos with Willem Dafoe and three where the guy with his arm around her in the tavern is one Francis Ford Coppola!!! Great coffee, by the way! We are two blocks from a series of gorgeous parks run along the top of the river valley heading north, so we went up that way to see the ancient Egyptian Temple of Debod which was presented to Spain by Egypt As a thank you for help in recovering the treasures flooded by the Aswan ... read more

Europe » Spain » District of Madrid October 27th 2015

A quick word while Susan's hair dries. I have only just realized that there is a method in our meandering walks, high form the basis of almost all of our visits to big cities. And they do tend to proceed in a roughly concentric fashion. First, we get to know the 'hood. There are two renowned restaurants on our street alone. Madrid is quite hilly in fact and our street has a distinct slope to it. Two blocks down the hill, towards the river valley and overlooking it, is the royal palace. In front of that is the Plaza de Oriente. If we go more or less straight ahead out our front door, we end up at the Senate. Two blocks up the hill is a real chain grocery store. A block past that and you ... read more

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