My first day exploring the city...

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Europe » Spain » Castile-La Mancha » Toledo
January 18th 2008
Published: January 18th 2008
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This morning we had a guided tour of Toledo. We started out on a bus, went around the whole outside of the city across the river (the whole city is practically surrounded by a river), which is where some of the "whole city" shots came from. Then, we went on foot for awhile (we went on the biggest escalator I have ever seen...and it is outside!). Then our tour was over and some of my new friends ( :D ) and I went exploring for about 6 hours! We walked all over. We went into la Iglesia de los Jesuitos (a church), and climbed all the way up to the top of the tower (that's where I got some awesome pictures of the cathedral). It was scary, because the stairs were really narrow! But I did it! We also went to a little bar/restaurant called Enebros, where if you buy something to drink, they give you free tapas (appetizers), so that's where we had lunch for only 2 euro (the cost of my Pepsi!). The french fries are so good, they put like mayo and some other kind of sauce on them, and there were these little sandwiches too. And later we also went to a little cafe and had coffee (my mom will be so proud!). And I bought my pashmina! I am very excited about it (you can see it in the picture of is a really pretty turquoise color). I had my friends do all the talking to people today because I was too scared, but soon I will be able to talk to the locals by myself! I am waiting for mis padres to get home, because my madre is going to take me to the public library so I can get a library card. Tomorrow my friends and I are going to take a hike and have a picnic at the top of the mountain where all the pictures of Toledo from the travel books are taken. I am very excited! Oh, and I almost rolled my ankle like 4 times today...the cobblestone roads do not get along with me!

Enjoy the pictures!

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Photos: 39, Displayed: 23



I can see this building from my classroom at school.

19th January 2008

Date & Time of pictures
Hi Swiss, What's up with the date and time stamp on all of your pictures? Do you need to setup your camera still? Love Dad
19th January 2008

Hola!! This is you hermano speaking. I'm glad you got there safe and are having a great time. Minus the near car collision. Well good luck with your classes and keep the cuadro's (ie pictures) coming!! See ya in Marzo!! Adios!
20th January 2008

'You hermano' is a dork lol I'm surprised he knows as much Espanol as he does heh but it sounds/looks like ur havin a really cool experience there so far, that's good! I wish I could come in Marzo too :( I'm jealous! Well, take care :)
21st January 2008

I agree your hermano (or is it you hermano?) is a dork and I am jealous also. :) Me and your Madre were talking and I wish I could go also, you are all going to have so much fun and you'll know all of the coolest places by then. I am glad you are having a good time and feeling more comfortable. I would like to see a pic of your Spanish family. Take Care and be careful on that cobblestone :) Love Sandy

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