Mi segunda clase, y escuela en general

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Europe » Spain » Castile-La Mancha » Toledo
January 16th 2008
Published: January 16th 2008
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Buenos dias to my friends in Wisconsin (it is 8:30am there and 3:30pm here). I had my 2nd class today. It was Spanish Phonetics (phonetics is basically a fancy name for sounds/pronunciation). I think it went a lot better than my first class, because I was able to understand the professor a lot better. We don't have any written homework (which is nice) but that means all our tests/activities are oral, so I'm really going to have to practice my speaking!

Here are some pictures taken from "the tower" at school (the shot of the chairs is looking down on where my first class is...it is in the tower). The view of the city is awesome!

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