Cordoba & Granada

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Europe » Spain » Andalusia » Granada
September 13th 2007
Published: September 13th 2007
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Hostal La FuenteHostal La FuenteHostal La Fuente

My bedroom at the back !
Hola todos !
After a week of relaxing by a pool with friends, and speaking Dutch, it was time for some days on my own walking, walking, walking and then walking. And speaking Español..... (the little that I know. And most tourist are Spanish, Italian or German....)

It is around 30 degrees during the day, so pretty hot to walk around. But fun to stroll around new places.

Cordoba was very pittoresque with the amazing Mezquita mosque (a catholic ¨cathedral¨was later added inside the mosque !!). Very interesting. The room I had in the ¨hostales¨ was on the ground floor, facing the inner courtyard where the breakfast room was. So very dark, and not a place to relax in the evening. Found a very nice Arabic tea house in the small streets, so a nice place to sit down.

Tuesday on to Granada which is a larger city compared to Cordoba and of course has the Alhambra as the tourist attraction. Great palace and gardens, and excellent view over the city. Also walked around in the old muslim quarters on the other side of the hill.

Tomorrow I take the bus to Seville where Julie is joining
Speaking Dutch !Speaking Dutch !Speaking Dutch !

I can stay there next time :)
me and we head down for a week at the beach in Tarifa on Sunday. Now I´m heading for a pedicure - my feet need some TLC !!!!!!!!!

Besos y hasta luego 😊

Additional photos below
Photos: 17, Displayed: 17


In case you are lost...In case you are lost...
In case you are lost...

they make sure you find your way to McDonalds
One of the manyOne of the many
One of the many

beautiful doors to the Mezquina

the Mezquina
Where they have built inWhere they have built in
Where they have built in

the cathedral part
You can choose:You can choose:
You can choose:

...the quiet streets

... the busy streets

from a distance

under the wine gate

over Granada
And the EU flagAnd the EU flag
And the EU flag

on the top of course...

13th September 2007

ABNAmro Blog
Hi Marie, excellent photos and a nice little stories to go with it. It gives me the travel bug! I would like to know how to set up a blog using this website. I want to call it INSITE Blog and I will update with daily photos of all our adventures in the office...... Today the global file is publishing - I thought you should know that your not the only one having fun! Still waiting for the photos of you plastered in a night club! enjoy
13th September 2007

You lucky bugger! : )) Seems like you´re having a great time. Enjoy the warm weather, it´s around 12 degrees in Sweden. Spain sounds much better! My dear old computer is on repair, so I´m sitting after work-hours at the free computers at the city library, with a lot of students. : ) (All too young for me though sadly.) Enjoy the coming week, looking forward to the upcoming adventures! : ) Big hug Cecilia
13th September 2007

Cool photos
Hee Marie, good to see you are enjoying yourself! Sure Tarifa will be more like party time! Wish you and Julie have a great time!! Hugs Mariana
14th September 2007

Hey Guapa! Good to hear you are enjoying your time in Spain. Wish I could be there with you, but some of us have to work you know ;-)) Have fun and I hope to see you before you go for the "big one"!! Big kiss, suus
16th September 2007

Hejsan !
Your blog wasn't that hard to find, but looks like you are of to a very good start there ! Enjoy the travels, get used to meeting more Dutch people, and I hope you won't mind if those white clothes (??what were you thinking) will be very very dirty by the time you get to Peru ! PS my new blog ID is "WIRN". Ciao ! Rene

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