Made it to Paris & Back!!

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April 16th 2007
Published: April 16th 2007
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So, I made it to Paris and back...and it was gorgeous, I should say! I ran around wearing a short sleeve shirt most of the time I was there! Laura got sun burnt!

Well, I will be writing my characteristic Carla-esque TravelBlog very soon and posting them...but not today! For now, I love you all, and I leave you with one teaser photo!

Carla B.

Additional photos below
Photos: 1, Displayed: 1


The Eiffel TowerThe Eiffel Tower
The Eiffel Tower

I have better ones, but you have to come back tomorrow! lol

16th April 2007

birthday wishes.
It was great to hear your voice . It was very special to get your call. AOL keeps kicking me off. So I will make this fast. Love you and hope the next two months are great for you. l Love , will make home made ice cream for you. Love gray mom. poppie too.
17th April 2007

Your picture is awesome! I feel like I'm standing right under the Eiffel Tower with you. Love, Mom
18th April 2007

Ummmmm, and my birthday?????????? teehee I love you kiddo! xoxox
18th April 2007

Oh yea, you´re like what? 70 this year?

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