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Europe » Spain » Andalusia » Granada
April 4th 2007
Published: April 4th 2007
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Really quick entry here just to say hi and let you know we´re all doing well! I cannot believe that it is already Wednesday!! Tomorrow we´re going to try to go to the beach if the weather looks like it might be decent! The weather has been decent, some sun, some rain. The Semana Santa stuff is really crazy! There are processions all over the place.
The Alhambra was really nice yesterday and we were able to walk up to my favorite spot in Granada as well to look over the whole city! We had a picnic up there! I have pictures, but you´ll have to wait until next week for them!
Hope you are all having a great week, I know we are! Can´t wait to be able to really sit down and tell all about our trip in more detail!

Love to All!

Carla B


6th April 2007

glad to hear all having good time granmom says dont deink to much wine isay go for it love poppie

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