Blogs from Upper Carniola, Slovenia, Europe - page 14


Europe » Slovenia » Upper Carniola » Ljubljana September 12th 2013

Nukuin huonosti. Oli poutainen paiva. Poljin ensin asemalle siirtamaan kuvia kamerasta tikulle ja blogiin. Kavikin niin ettei tietokone saanut yhteytta kameraan. Kun otin kameran irti tietsikasta, kaikki kuvat olivat havinneet. Myoskaan ei onnistunut uuden kuvan ottaminen. Onkohan edessa koko kameran uusiminen vai riittaako muistikortti? Onneksi riitti uuden muistikortin ostaminen. Kavin otattamassa vahan samanlaisia kuvia kuin eilen ja sitten syomassa. Tulin viela ennen kolmea siirtamaan niita nettiin. Ostin huomiseksi bussilipun Pulaan. Kun en keksinyt bussikortille parempaakaan kayttoa, kavin katsomassa 10 vuoden takaista hotellia, joka oli aika syrjassa. Mieleen muistui etta sielta oli tosiaan matkaa pysakillekin, vaikka linjoja kulkikin useita. Kun minua ei huvittanut menna takaisin koko matkaa iltapaivaruuhkassa, hyppasin kyydista pyora-aseman kohdalla ja poljin keskustaan. K... read more

Europe » Slovenia » Upper Carniola » Ljubljana September 11th 2013

Nukuin melkein klo 9 asti. Sadesaa ei houkutellut kiirehtimaan kaupungille lahtoa. Menin sitten bussilla. Kavelin aseman halpaan nettilaan ja vietin netissa yli tunnin. Paiva oli sen jalkeen jo sen verran pitkalla, etta kavin syomassa listalounaan, 7,5 euroon sisaltyi keitto, salaatti, paaruoka ja jalkiruoka. Poikkesin katsomaan Arja Hyytiaisen valokuvanayttelyn. Ajelin sitten pyoralla pitkin kaupunkia. Paatin menna linnaa katsomaan vasta seuraavana paivana. Illan viimeisen ajon tein asemalta pohjoiseen. Ajoin harhaan ja piti kysya neuvoa. Tuli jo kylma. Onneksi paasin ajoissa hostellin lahelle. Paivan valokuvat tuhoutuivat sitten seuraavana paivana.... read more

Europe » Slovenia » Upper Carniola » Ljubljana September 10th 2013

Aamiainen lahibaarissa. Kavin kuvaamassa maailman vanhimman viinikoynnoksen. Olisihan Mariborissa voinut olla viela toisenkin paivan. Junassa oli hyvin tilaa. Ljubljanan rautatieasemalla ei ollut kunnolla turisti-infoa. Kavin viela bussiasemalla. Mietin milla bussilla menisin perjantaina Pulaan, ehka jo aiemmalla. Kavelin hostellille, jonne oli matkaa 2,5 km. Hostellin alakerrassa on intialainen ravintola. Huone oli toisessa kerroksessa. Kaupunkiin mennessani ostin bussilipun. Lippu maksaa 2 euroa ja latasin siihen lisaksi 6 euroa, jolla paasee 5 bussimatkaa. Jokirannassa tormasin suomalaisseuruueseen. Jain juomaan heidan kanssaan yhden oluen. Turistineuvonnasta tuli idea polkupyorasysteemista ( Piti kayda netissa rekisteroitymassa siihen. Viikon kirjautuminen maksaa euron. Pyoria on 31 asemalla. Pyoraa saa kayttaa tunnin ajan ilmaise... read more

Europe » Slovenia » Upper Carniola » Bled September 3rd 2013

I ought to be writing about Plitvice Lakes following our visit to Zagreb, as we travelled down to central Croatia to a campsite in the Plitvica Jezera national park with the intention of visiting the awesome lakes and waterfalls but once we pitched up the weather turned and we sat inside our van looking out at some torrential storms, the hailstones were as big as marbles (and as loud, hitting our roof!) so, after a couple of days of this we packed up and headed back up to Slovenia for our next planned stop at Lake Bled. Bled is situated in the North Western corner of Slovenia where the Julian Alps begin to rise higher, to say the scenery and the lake is the stuff of fairy tales is an understatement! The lake has a circumference ... read more
Bled Castle
View From Our Restaurant
The Lake Island

Europe » Slovenia » Upper Carniola » Ljubljana August 7th 2013

Having visited Ljubljana a couple of years ago and absolutely loving the city, I was really looking forward to this week and hoping Steve would like it too. Also, quite exciting for us, one of my friends: Clare, was flying out to stay with us for a few days. We drove to our campsite via some steep hillside roads, admiring the alpine style houses with their wide roofs, wooden balconies and boxes full of bright geraniums adorning the front, also passing brightly coloured bee hives and cows that look like they belong on a Milka chocolate wrapper: beautiful! On Monday morning I met Clare at the airport and we headed back to the campsite on the airport bus, after our lunch we decided on a lengthy and invigorating walk along the River Sava, which ran along ... read more
View From The Fountain
Puppet Theatre Clock Tower

Europe » Slovenia » Upper Carniola July 25th 2013

Thursday July 25 – This morning when we woke up at 7am the weather was a little cloudy, but it cleared up quite nicely by the time we got the bus to Vintgar gorge at 9am. The gorge was part of a national park and it was beautiful. They built a wooden walkway to walk on next to the water and it was so scenic. The only problem was that it was super crowded. Everyone seemed to be there. I didn’t think it would be that bad, especially since there were only two buses a day from Bled, but there were many other tour buses crammed with people coming all day long apparently. The walkways were really crowded and everyone was stopping to take pictures while others tried to push by. It was so awkward. But ... read more
Early morning walk

Europe » Slovenia » Upper Carniola » Bohinj July 24th 2013

Wednesday July 24 – We had plans to go to a nearby gorge today, but we woke up at 7am for the 9am bus to get there (there was one at 9am and one at 10am), and it looked like rain. We didn’t know what it was like exactly, but thought it would be a better experience with better weather, and since tomorrow looked better, we decided to hold off on the gorge for the next day. Instead we took tomorrow’s plan today and went to Bohinj lake instead. It’s about an hour away, and much bigger and not as touristy. We took the bus to the far end of the lake with the intention of walking the length of one side back to town where we could get the bus back to Bled. We got ... read more
Lake Bohinj
Lake Bohinj
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Europe » Slovenia » Upper Carniola » Bled July 23rd 2013

Tuesday July 23 – Today Tina and I got up early and had breakfast at the hostel. Nice to have it included, but so much of it not healthy. We walked to the bus station a little early and got there at just about 9am. There was a bus loading up and nearly ready to go so I thought we would just get the next one. But the lady at the counter sold Tina the tickets and told me to go tell the bus driver to wait, so I did. He opened the luggage hold and we dropped our bags and off we went. We got to Bled at 10:30, thirty minutes earlier than we’d told Laura, the woman meeting us there, to show us the room we rented. Luckily a taxi driver named Darko called ... read more

Europe » Slovenia » Upper Carniola July 22nd 2013

Monday July 22 –Today I took the train to Divaca, about an hour and a half from Ljubljana. My actual destination, however, was the Skocjan cave system. I took the train at 8:12 because it is one of few trains that have a direct bus connection to the caves. It’s only a 10 minute bus ride, but it would take 45 minutes of walking or so to get there, and I needed to make sure I got back to Ljubljana in time to meet Tina. The train was pretty quiet for the first hour, and then two Japanese guys got on with their Slovenian guide. They were older and were learning each other’s languages, quite loudly. It was cute and quite hilarious. When we got to the cave, I went to the counter and bought a ... read more
Trail to viewpoint
End of cave tour
Check out how big the exit is

Europe » Slovenia » Upper Carniola » Bled July 20th 2013

Bled and the Triglav National Park Slovenia 17 to 19 July 2013 After the car was serviced in Ljubljana (we have done 9,800 kms in 67 days) we drove along the A2 NW to Bled. This is holiday town is nestled next to Lake Bled and is as pretty as a picture. It has an island in the middle of the Lake and perched on a big cliff is the Bled Castle. We drove to Camping Bled and the foreshore of the Lake was PACKED! We found a spot and set up our Camper – awning out, windows opened, table and chairs out, bikes taken off, microwave set up, and, depending on the time of the day and how hot it is, open our local beer. We have got into the practice of putting one can ... read more
Camping Bled at Triglav National Park Slovenia where we stayed (4)
5 Km path around Lake Bled which we road our bikes around
Bled Castle

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