St Petersburg is raining on us... beautifully...

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July 17th 2011
Published: July 16th 2011
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Divendres, 15 de juliol – El tren de Moscow a St. Petersburg es un Siemens com el ICE alemany…. Vaja, un bon tren…

Despres d’un mati tranquil al hostal de Moscow ens hem aventurat al metro cap a l’estacio de Leningradski. A Moscow hi ha moltissimes estacions pero al costat de Leningradski n’hi ha 2 mes! (incloient de la que sortirem amb el Trans-Siberia el dimarts!!)

Despres d’haver vist un parell d’estacions russes, arrivant a Leningradski ja t’adones que tot es different. Tot polit, seguretat, SENYALITZACIO!!! I alguna en angles!! Pujant al ‘Sapsan’ (el tren d’alta velocitat rus) encara te n’adones mes. Aixo esta fet per a gent amb pasta i/o turistes. Acostumats a veure com la gent s’enfila I salta tanques 2 cops mes altes que ells per a pujar als borregueros, aqui hi ha seguretat armada, etc etc…

El tren es guapissim, tot I que no passa de 250 kms/h, no m’extranya, primer per la via pero sobretot perque no esta vallat, I frenar a 350 kms/h quan algu creua la via (quelcom forsa comu per aqui segons sembla) pot ser complicat. Lo divertit del tren es que pots encomanar un taxi a l’arribada I el taxista t’espera exactament a la sortida del teu vago! Flipa…

La resta de la tarda hem trobat el nostre hotel. Un cop mes una bona trovalla de tripadvisor I un edfifici del qual la 4a planta es un hotel. Entrada super extranya (I esfereidora fins I tot) pero l’hotel es molt xulo, tenim de tot I mes!! A mes, hem trobat un restaurant just davant de l’hotel. El Teplo on hi hem sopat avui I hem reservat una taula per dema mateix, es MOOOOLT bo!

Friday 15th July – Posh trains!

After a futile effort to find out if there is anywhere in Russia that might be showing Harry Potter in English, we boarded a lovely train to St Petersburg. It was clearly geared for tourists because even the signs in the station were in English. The Sapsan train even had staff who could arrange a taxi from the station to your destination and thankfully this train did not have any of the QVC salespeople that we saw on the way to Sergiev Posad (People were buying anything from sunglasses to veg peelers to net curtains from the discomfort of the carriage).

So now we’re in St Petersburg, staying in another great Tripadvisor find near St Isaac’s Cathedral. We’ve also discovered a great restaurant across the road called Teplo and have booked in for tomorrow night.

Divendres, 16 de Juliol – el temps rus continua sense estimar-nos

Hem sortit de casa plovent a bots I barrals, o sigui que directament al Hermitage. Es realment espectacular tot I que m’ha faltat un gran angular per a les fotos! No obstant, ens hem alegrat d’haver fet la reserva online per a passar-nos les cues I tambe d’haver-hi anat aviadet. Sobre les 12 estava A TOPE!! Hem sortit I continuava amb un temps bastant ruc pero un pastis tipic rus per dinar I el mercat de souvernis (amb la Matryoshka per la Carmeta comprada) he entrat a l’esglesia del Salvador de la sang derramada… (joder con el nombre) dins, son parets de 70 m d’alsada amb murals absolutament a tot arreu, la llum I els colors son realment brutals!

Al tornar cap a casa a descansar abans de sortir a sopar a Teplo de nou, evidentment, ha sortit el sol… a veure si tenim mes sort dema!

Friday 16th July – The rain in Russia falls mainly on us.

Another wet morning saw us skipping the queues for the Hermitage thanks to online tickets. For me it was just as spectacular as it was five years ago, and for Alex it was a nightmare that he didn’t have a wide-angle lens. Next it was on to The Church of the Saviour on Spilled Blood – spectacular and Alex was finally able to buy a matryoshka for Carmen and we compromised with Christmas ornaments as our souvenirs. Then just as we’d given up on the rain and were heading back to the hotel to rest before dinner, the sun came out. Sod’s law! But St Petersburg is beautiful, even in the rain.


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