Art, Ice, and Bowling

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November 12th 2006
Published: November 12th 2006
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Zhivov for lifeZhivov for lifeZhivov for life

Patrick went to a tee shirt shop and made a tee shirt saying, in the front, Team Zhivov and in the back Patrick 5+ In the Picture he is standing next to professor Zhivov, our program director
Yesterday we all went to Moscow's museum of modern art. I don't particularly care for modern art, but the prices for tickets are included in the program price, so I decided to check it out. Most of the pieces weren't terribly interesting-big red squares, random shapes decorating a real urinal, ect. However there were some really cool ones too. I loved one with huge, impresionistic trees and a lone person in the middle. I also loved one that was a mosaic of many different pictures and each picture looked like there was motion in it. Faded behind the main characters were where the characters used to be-so you could see the motion of the guitarist strumming the guitar and the like.
After seeing the art exhibit, Dan, Krisitin, Tyler, Kristin's host sister, and I all went to the park of fallen monuments. It had everything from statues of bears to fountains to Lenin. It was snowing and and there was ice covering the ground. We had a lot of fun sliding on the ice and trying to make snowballs. It was too cold for the snow to stick together so we didn't have much luck making snowballs.
After walking around a lot and getting quite cold we all headed over to Kosmic, a restaurant and bowling club. We ate at a restaurant and each got a beer (or several beers in the cases of Tyler and Dan). Dan, after drinking a lot, lumped all his wasabi into his soy sauce and asked if anyone would buy him another beer if he drank it. Tyler took him up on the dare. So Dan drank the wasabi/soy sauce. His face quickly turned into the biggest grimace I have ever seen and hyperventillated for about a minute. After about ten minutes he was back to normal. He got his free beer though, so he was content.
After dinner we all went bowling. Dan, though he had drunk the most, beat everyone by far. Kristin won the last round however. And Kristin's friend, who had never bowled before, improved quite a lot. Her first ten tries or so all ended up in the gutter. But by the end she was getting around 7 pins down a turn. It was amazing how much she improved.
It was a great day.

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My favorite pictureMy favorite picture
My favorite picture

Sam Yee standing next to my favorite picture

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