Florence Program Day 2

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Europe » Italy
August 26th 2008
Published: August 26th 2008
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Today we had breakfast at 8 and began a journal demonstration at 9. After that we made ourselves sketch journals. At 12 we had free time. Dana, our 2 roommates and I went to the river and walked out on a large cement block that goes half way across. Locals sunbathe there, and we stayed out and got some rays for about an hour and a half. Then we walked to the other side of the river for lunch. After lunch we went to the market and I bought myself a nice shawl because I had forgot to bring one for when we go into churches (you have to cover your shoulders). At 4 we had to meet back up at our hostel. The managers took us on a tour of our neighborhood. They kept thinking of more and more places to take us and an intended 1 hour walk turned into a 3 hour hike. We were all so tired by the end of it... I wore flip flops all day so my feet are tired from having no arch support. My free time was very enjoyable, but the hike was not fun. I am so tired, and ready for bed.


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