Bologna and the Past Week

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Europe » Italy
February 21st 2008
Published: February 21st 2008
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A random Cathedral that we just happened to walk into.
This past Saturday, I traveled with Kate and John to Bologna, home to the oldest university in Italy. The city was very large compared to Siena. While in Bologna, I attempted to see their Duomo, but bags of any kind were not allowed inside and they did not provide a place to keep your bag while inside, so I was unable to go in. I did however, get to see the Basilica of Santo Stefano, which is one large church created from four Romanesque churches. It was absolutely breathe taking inside. The inside was very simplistic, but Roman arches were everywhere and the paintings that had been placed on display were absolutely gorgeous. I wish I could have taken pictures of the inside, but they were not allowed.

Sorry it took me so long to post this entry, but this week we've been very busy as a class traveling to many museums and cathedrals within Siena. All of the pictures of Siena from this past week are still on my camera, but I hope to post them this weekend.

Tomorrow we're going as a group to Florence for the day to visit some of the more important museums and
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Inside the Cathedral.
buildings for our economics class. I chose not to stay the night this weekend so that I can save money for spring break. My plans originally were to go to Naples and then to Sicily, but things have changed. For the week of spring break I am now going to a small island named Malta which is in between Italy and Africa. I'll be here for about 5 days and then from here I'm traveling to southern Italy. I'm not exactly sure which cities I'll be visiting the last half of my trip but it'll probably be either Naples, Sorrento, or Pompeii.

Keep sending me all of your comments and messages! I love to hear from everyone!

Additional photos below
Photos: 11, Displayed: 11


Bologna's DuomoBologna's Duomo
Bologna's Duomo

Bologna's unfinished Duomo, that wouldn't let me in (see entry).
Photo 5Photo 5
Photo 5

Close up of fountain.
Photo 6Photo 6
Photo 6

Another close up.
Largest Tower in Bologna.Largest Tower in Bologna.
Largest Tower in Bologna.

Notice that it's leaning!

23rd February 2008

Hi Tiff, I have never send pics like this before....I'm soooo excited for you. Sounds like God's plans are for you to see most of Italy and enjoy the time of exploring another side of the world. I can't wait to see the other pics. WOW WE......!!!! You get to go to an island and enjoy spring break. Just remember us here in Clearwater, KS.... Hopefully 1st of April I will get to meet up with my sister and your Aunt in KS City. WE SEND OUR LOVE! Favorite pics are the statues.
24th February 2008

Which to visit
Out of the three cities you're considering, here's the order you want to stick to (but remember - Malta beats all three): 1. Naples 2. Sorrento 3. Pompeii

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