Italy with my mom and sister

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Europe » Italy
November 13th 2007
Published: December 8th 2007
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My Mom kindly posted the following summary of our fun trip to Italy:

The trip to Italy was fabulous! It was wonderful to spend two weeks with my girls and enjoy all the sights of Italia. We started out in Rome in brilliant sunshine and great weather. Our hotel was around the corner from the Pantheon and Piazza Navona--very convenient to all the sights. Our visit to St. Peter's was conducted by a private tour guide who gave us the "inside scoop" on many of the works of art. His special interest was mosaics, and we saw and learned a lot. We spent a gorgeous Sunday walking through the Victor Emmanuel Monument, the Roman Forum, and the Colosseum. Our meals were fabulous as was the gelato and coffee. We took a train from Rome to Florence where we again enjoyed great weather and all the wonderful sights. Kerri was our very special tour guide, and her command of Italian really got us through. We had all read Agony and the Ecstasy, so we were especially grateful to see all the Michelangelo art works in Florence. Shopping there was excellent too, from the open market to the Ponte Vecchio. Our next train ride took us to Venice where we again enjoyed all the sights. The weather was sunny but noticeably cooler. San Marco was the definite highlight, and we ate well again. We decided to treat ourselves to some down time, so we next headed to Amalfi where we could get some sun and hike. It is absolutely gorgeous! We had a white knuckle bus ride on the edge of the cliff, which added to the excitement. The hiking was wonderful--we even passed mountain goats! We ended our trip with two days back in Rome and a very long flight home. This was a trip I, for one, will never forget, and I'm so thankful to the girls for planning this wonderful adventure for us.

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Remus and Romulus Remus and Romulus
Remus and Romulus

suckling from the she-wolf

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