A difficult day's driving

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Europe » Italy
September 27th 2018
Published: September 27th 2018
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27 September 2018

We woke up to find single digit temperatures so for the fist time put on the heating in the van!

After some early morning shopping in several of Torriglier’s very friendly and helpful establishments, we set off on the 185k journey to the walled town of Lucca. The drive was not without its difficulties! Coming out of Torrigler, I missed a turning and the satnav led me along a narrow and tortuous 30k mountain road which took well over an hour to complete. On this trip we are trying to use motorways as little as possible, but today the last 70k was almost entirely in built up areas which we crawled through whilst watching the traffic speed by on the nearby autostrada. The only saving grace was seeing the huge blocks of marble on lorries and in roadside yards which had come from the nearby Carrera quarries.

The middle section, however, was delightful driving along roads overlooking the Cinque Terre coast we had walked along in 2008 ( blog link ), and out to sea.


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