Exploring Rome

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August 17th 2008
Published: May 28th 2009
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The incredible Colosseum in Rome, built in 80 AD and still in amazing condition.
We were up early for our free day in Rome and I don’t think there was a single person who wasn’t going inside the Colosseum. We got ready, met with the group and got dropped off at the subway station to catch the train into the city. We arrived at the Colosseum to see possibly the biggest queue I had ever seen, there were so many people lining up to by tickets. However thanks to Jamie we had a sneaky plan which would significantly cut queuing times. We headed over to the Roman Forum and bought tickets to both the Forum and the Colosseum, therefore avoiding those massive queues for tickets. The Roman Forum contains some of the oldest ruins from the ancient civilization in the city, it is also where the ancient civilization was developed. We headed inside and wondered around these incredibly old ruins, and with our audio guide listened to the fascinating history behind them. Hannah and I walked around with Amy and Andy as we were all amazed at how preserved it all was, pieces from the ancient buildings were even scattered around the paths as if it had only just been destroyed. We spent most of

The Forum Ruins, the place where ancient Roman civilization developed.
the morning exploring the Forum then eventually made for the exit and over to the Colosseum.

Since we already had bought tickets at the Forum we had a short queue and before long we grabbed another audio guide and entered the Colosseum. I had wanted to visit the Colosseum for longer than I can remember, so you can imagine my excitement as I was finally here. Again my camera was working overtime as I walked through the first layer and emerged into the centre of the massive ampitheatre. This place was simply incredible, I could not believe I was actually in the Colosseum. I took a seat to admire and take in this incredible experience as I listened to the entertaining audio guide. It is estimated that over 500,000 people were killed in the games that were held here with 40,000 cheering the gladiators on in the stands, an unbelievable thought as I sat here staring at the arena floor which would have been covered in sand. As we listened to the audio guide it took us around different areas of the Colossum. We did an entire circle of the massive amphitheatre as I tried to get as many

Fantastic view across the ancient Forum Ruins in the centre of Rome
good photos as I could. After a couple of hours inside, we handed back the audio guide and left the Colosseum, I did one last lap of the outside to get some good photos then we caught the subway to a unique museum which was recommended by Jamie during our walking tour last night.

This ‘unique’ museum had different displays which were entirely made of dead human bones from every part of the body, it was the called the ‘Crypt of the Cappuccini Monks. We arrived at the museum to find that it was closed for the next hour, so we decided to have some lunch at an Italian restaurant nearby. We all decided to splurge and had a fantastic meal, as well as the largest beer I had every seen in my life, I finished it, but was feeling a little tipsy afterwards. Some of rest of the group turned up as a line began to form outside the museum, we paid the bill and joined the line before it got too long. We were required to make a donation to enter, otherwise the lady at the door would get absurdly angry, to the point where I was

Awesome view overlooking the Forum Ruins with the Colosseum to the right
really scared I was going to get yelled at for putting 25 euro cents in. As we walked in I could see bones EVERYWHERE, on the walls, floor and ceiling, everything was made out of human bones, it was surreal, I’d never seen anything like it. In the last room we were left with a haunting thought left by the dead: What you are now, we once were; what we are now, you shall be.".

After we left this insanely freaky museum the heat was starting to get to us so we took the train back to the amazing campsite and made straight for the pool to cool off. For the rest of the afternoon we sat by the pool, had a few drinks and relaxed on this incredibly hot day. This evening we had a quiet one, most of the group took advantage of the great laundry facilities then hit the bar for drinks. We drank, played pool and watched the Olympics for the rest of the night before heading off to bed.

Day 10:
Camping Roma

Additional photos below
Photos: 8, Displayed: 8



Another amazing view of the Colosseum

Inside the ancient Rome Colosseum on our guided audio tours

View across the arena floor in the Colosseum

Breathtaking view across the ancient Colosseum

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