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September 13th 2008
Published: September 13th 2008
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As you all know by now, I decided that I just wasn’t satisfied with a 5 month stay in Italy. It just didn’t feel like enough time to do everything I wanted to do. Besides, I feel like the place and my friends in Rome are now a part of me. It was just too hard to leave just yet. The summer was so hot that we really didn’t do much at all besides hang out indoors next to our fan or head to the beach. I really want to experience the autumn in Rome and be able to walk around comfortably all day. April and the beginning of May was nice for that. But since then, it’s been really unbearable at times.

It was a bit sad seeing everyone at home and leaving again. This experience has been amazing, but the one downside is that I now have friends and people I’m very close to in a completely different part of the world. It’s difficult being separated from either my friends and family in America or those in Italy. I have come to realize just how much people do actually care about me though, and for that I am grateful. My brothers sacrificed their own time to come and stay with me for over a week while I was home. I appreciate that very much. They’re the best siblings you could ask for. They went as far as sleeping on the floor and couch just so we could all be together for a week. My parents are always amazing and they helped me quite a bit while I was home. I miss them dearly while I’m away. And my co-workers are some of the best people I could ever want to work with. No matter how shitty the situation may be, the people are always the one bright point. And thank you to all of you that continue to read this blog. It means a lot to me that you care enough to check and see what I’m doing now.

Here’s to hoping for a great fall season full of new adventures. But don’t think for a second that I’ve forgotten my real home.


6th October 2008

Carla, your blog is cool...glad you are enjoying. i keep a blog also but not as crazy as yours

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