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Europe » Italy » Lazio » Rome
July 2nd 2008
Published: July 2nd 2008
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Today we arrived in Rome, and it is pretty much one of the most incredible cities I've ever seen. It's so awesome to see the actual ruins that existed over 2000 years ago! Venice was cool, but this is beyond cool.

What's awesome about Rome is that it is much more of a living city than Venice was. As great as the sights in Venice were, it was very much a tourist trap and didn't really feel real. This does. People are in their business suits, stuff isn't outrageously priced, people are friendly. And it is not too hot, which is really nice.

Our hotel is wonderful. The people treat us like gold and the rooms have air conditioning! Jared's and my room had it in the last hotel, but no one else's did, so I know they're all happy.

Anyways, tomorrow we're taking a bus tour to see things like the colosseum, Circus Maximus, the forum, and all of the other cool monuments. I think on Thursday we're going to take a tour of the Vatican, which requires us to dress up a bit, so I'm glad I brought some nice clothes.

I'll be sure to stay up to date with everything I see. Check back to find out more.


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