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June 12th 2008
Published: June 12th 2008
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New friendsNew friendsNew friends

Marco, Filippo, me, Lauren and Davide
It's been a fairly uneventful week so far. Well, sort of anyway. Last weekend Lauren and I were both feeling kind of sick, so we stayed in and went to sleep early on Friday. Of course this was after I watched the entire season of A Shot at Love with Tila Tequila 2 on MTV.com 😊 On Saturday we met up with Davide and two of his friends for dinner. Davide got held up at work, so it was too late to go to dinner in the hills of Rome. Instead, we had dinner at this tiny restaurant in Trastevere. It was really good. The guys suggested all the typical Roman dishes for us to try. And I finally ate baccala (dried salted cod fish). Honestly, I don't remember ever eating it before. But it was fried, and was really good actually. Also, for the first time ever in Italy, I saw fried mozzarella. I was starting to think that it was just another American creation until I had some on Saturday night. After dinner, we went to, where else, Coyote. It was actually a pretty fun night.

Sunday I felt really sick and didn't get out of bed most
The boysThe boysThe boys

Marco, Filippo, and Davide at Coyote
of the day, except to go to the supermarket. On Monday, my head was in the clouds all day while in training for my new job. I felt horrible. But I started feeling better by the end of the night. Plus, Heather came back! She was home for a week, so it was nice to have her back again.

The rest of the week so far has just been filled with work and sleep and watching the Euro Cup. Speaking of, yes I did watch that horrible 3-0 loss Italy had against the Netherlands. We prefer not to discuss it anymore. On Tuesday night Debbie, Heather and I went to this "Friends in Rome" meeting. We met a few nice people and made a couple new friends. So, it was a good idea I think.

We're in the process of trying to plan a weekend trip out of the country. We need to get our passports stamped somewhere outside of Italy by June 28th. So far, Stockholm is at the top of the list since it's a 70 eruo round trip flight. Not a bad deal, haha. Never in my life did I think I'd go to Stockholm.
Just us girlsJust us girlsJust us girls

Lauren, Debbie and me
If I leave this continent without going to London and Paris but I go to Stockholm, I think I'll be really upset.

So, that's about it for now. No other big plans in the works for this weekend, except for another night at Coyote tomorrow with Davide, and then on Monday Debbie's friend is coming to visit and we're going to attempt to make burgers and fries for all our new Italian friends. We'll see how that goes. It should be interesting.

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